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Sad iar noises
Can I have it as a loading screen pls?
Wait this overlaps with the current ongoing event
This will be HILARIOUS to play lmafo!
Get Strasbourg in the Raider Hunter Event!
From February 27th (11:00 GMT) until March 17th (11:00 GMT)
Overlapping events? Attempt to disrupt sh*p grind??
so we have 2 events in parallel? As the naval-Strasbourg event lasts until march 17.
is this a mistake?
Suggestion link:
Why are you overlapping it with Naval event?
Aren’t they supposed to be separate, so people can participate in both?
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Definition of Boom and Zoom, it seems to be a fairly good vehicle for event, definitely something unique.
overlaps with ship event
This is a MLRS, shouldn’t it get the same classification as every other MLRS platform in the game?
hadn`t they formerly a short break between the events?
Should be but it overlaps with 2 stars of the current naval event
Italy enjoyers rejoice! 🇮🇹🤌🍕
yes - this is the break I remember…
Even Gaijin forgot they have ships in the game
You see the ship event is the break