Germany top tier my thoughts

Top tier Germany right now… isn’t great. Here is why. Yes the MBTs are good the Leopard 2A7v and Leopard 2 PSO is amazing and I love them. However that is about all. Like the FlaRakRad is just terrible and when compared to to the Pantsir it doesn’t beat it in any way. The Pantsir has faster, longer ranged missiles and it can fire at two targets at once gets a green box around incoming missiles has 8 of them compared to the FlaRakRad’s 2. when compared to any other top tier missile aa they are all better. Now German top tier air is also really bad they don’t get a 13.7 yet every other nation gets one and some even 2. Strike aircraft are non existent for top tier Germany. The KWS is best you are gonna get because using pavewaves at 12.0 just isn’t it with the Pantsir. yes the tornado is at 11.3 but that BR of Germany isn’t really a thing. also the new Puma… the Vilkas is just better except for survivability. I hope they make Germany top tier more enjoyable sometime soon. Everything I have said here is about top tier. lower tier Germany is quite balanced in my opinion.


Isn’t a top tier opinion without using Pantsir-S1 as comparison, God bless American and no one else.


well looks like the US mains didnt arrive yet.

While yes german top tier ground should be pretty nice (I havent gotten it yet) The leopard 2A7 is a nice vehicle considering i play italy and have used the 2A7HU.
Although i usually keep the 2A7HU out of my 12.0 lineup because i prefer to play flat out italian vehicles.
Not to make a terrible comparison atleast you have a missle AA at this time. It could definitly be better although in the future some kind off IRIS T AA system might be added?

German air is interesting because the F4F ICE will be the lowest super sonic AMRAAM slinger in game post update. But mainly hindered it seems by a lack of modern A2G and a more modern airframe for now untill gaijin either adds a swiss F-18C or EF Typhoon


Oof wrong about the F4F,J37Di is coming too 13.0 and an overall better airfrsme

Forgot about that one ngl
Also didnt the Viggen get a FM nerf a little while ago

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Ain’t it gonna be a premium? So chance are 98% of its players will be absolute lemons, ICE might have a field day if that ends up being the case.

Even with the nerf still far superior than a phantom

According to Smin Germany didnt get more advanced tornados because it already received 3 despite 1 being event and the other premium…so being an easy acces ARH slinger will make it more viable than a horrible one that you actually have to grind and spade
For the players its a very forgiving plane so wont make a difference at least on my main mode SB

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A tech tree version is also being added.

I think Smin mentioned that there will be both a premium and research option


Looks like everyone is suffering, but some suffer more

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All if not most Nations need better spaa counterpart to Pantsir S1 range. Problem is that most went ahead from SHORAD to HIMAD. Some nations has HIMAD that can operate on its own. But most are a system that need to work as a unit. (command truck,radar truck,missiles launcher truck)

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It’s the great boogieman

If you compare your aa to the best one in the game it’s worse, but it’s till the 3rd best aa in the game.

hahahaha play the type 81 C and come back saying the FlakRakRad sux lol


I think these systems could work as static, player controlled units that operate a few kilometers away from the main ground battlefield, they could work like drones and act more like a kill streak or maybe make them a researchable vehicle in the TT and (obviously limit the amount per side to like 1 or 2)

I think it would be great to keep the skies clear and gives CAS players something else to look out and hunt for, regular SHORAD AA can still work against other targets like helicopters and CAS.

Leopard is way better than challenger 2 (and basically all other top tier MBTs)
Flakrad is way better than ADATS (and imp chapparal, otomatic, type 81)
Puma is way better the warrior (and most nations barely even have anything even resembling top tier ifv)
Tiger is way better than Apache

For ground only stuff, Germany is one of the strongest nations in game right now in ground.

Only thing they lack unqiuely is top tier CAS, which won’t come till typhoon.


Except for any time you get hit in the turret the tracks get blown off ;)

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The Idea to make them playable like drone could work but the problem is that if you limit them down to 1-2 unit. So if other players are already occupied them and not doing so great compare to enemy team. It clould cause frustration or unbalance match.

It is better to give overall HIMAD control to AI and limit their effective engage range to be above 75-150m altitude (basically make them unable to lock targets at low alt) And only cover area around Half the Map or cover ground vehicle spawn area . with somethings like Radar site on capture point that could extend HIMAD range to cover the whole map.
With this the capture point would benefit the team who capture them and people would have more reason to attack / defend them.
Also with HIMAD not effect low altitude. It wouldn’t completely nullify CAS as a whole. As pilot can still fly around at top-tree level doing CAS and still having to deal with SHORAD (thus making SHORAD still effective) or flying around trying to Suppression/disable enemy Radar or HIMAS base for a period of times. Not to mention they could still try to dodge and notch incoming missiles.

Then also make dedicate Fighter with only A2A weapon has cheaper spawn cost. would also work.

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