yea I understand that. However I did state also it is the worst top tier missile aa. the only one being worse is the Otomatic although that’s not a missile aa. like all the countries with the ItO are better because they have the same missile except 6 more. In my Opinion and some other people I have talked to about it the ADATS is far more enjoyable and better. I’m unsure about the tor-m1 though seems as I don’t really see it in play. the type 81c is fine however if you use it in 12.0 it might not be seem as good, as its 11.3.
I wouldn’t really consider the type 81c as top tier also its hard to compare to the FlaRakRad seems as its a higher tier and radar aa. like I understand putting it in your 12.0 line up but its 11.3 for a reason.
yea the Otomatic is by far the worst aa at its br in my opinion. and the F4F ICE is quite nice its just its not really a high tier cas plane. Due to it only having two AGM-65Ds yes they are good however only two just doesn’t compare to other countries. And ofc its labelled as a fighter.
If an IRIS-T system gets added that would be amazing I’m just wondering if the games ready for something like that. Also the its normally used with the help of two other vehicles so I wonder how they would do that. unless its also on a vehicle that can work by itself.
haha I cant say I’ve had that happen although I haven’t played the Vilkas heaps.
You say that even though you don’t have ADATS
Too bad, was at least hoping for a Tornado with JDAMs. Cause the current one with strictly laser guided Paveways is impossible to use. Was at least hoping for a BR decrease, so wie could use it with a Leopard 2A4 lineup. Other nations have GBU capable jets around that BR. At its current BR, the ASSTA Tornado is total garbage for GRB.
“some other people I have talked to” also if that’s the case I cant have an opinion about the Pantsir being a really good aa? seems as I don’t own it?
Yea I like the Tornado and honestly don’t get why it can’t be 11.0 or 10.7. however it does have speed and a little bit too much chaff lmao. They are the only reasons I can think its not lower br. however two of them are 10.3 so that makes sense???
Chaffs don’t work. Neither vs Radar guided missiles nor SPAA locks. Every sane player uses IR lock for its SPAAs and this is already end of the story. You could have 1000 chaffs and it wouldn’t make a difference. Speed ok. But you can’t drop bombs if you use that speed. So its also rather pointless. If you wan’t to engage ground targets, you’re not faster than a Su-25 and other subsonic strike aircrafts. Also … you can’t fly faster than Pantsir missiles :) So speed is no real factor in GRB. Others have Strike aircraft below 11.0 BR which have 4 or even more guided bombs or Mavericks.
ADATS is not really better than flakbus, worse thermals, no stab, missiles don’t have their own sight, 25mm isn’t really that good and missiles are worse. And everyone knows that Pantsir is the most broken SPAA in the game currently.
gimme a BR12 AA then…:P
they fixed it happening to the wheels on the Vilkas, but the puma blows it tracks every time haha
They added the GBU54S LJDAMs for the ASSTA1 despite never using it just so they dont add anything new or a more advanced tornado…
Maybe upgraded BOZ pods as well? The ones with integrated MAW and auto dispensers?
Nothing more than Adding 1200 chaff,flare count still the same
you have a 25mm for starters, you have 8 missile that can kill ground targets quite well. The thermals are gen one on both aa. The only thing I can think Is better is range on the FlaRakRad.
Yes the Pantsir is amazing however to your logic you cant have that opinion about it due to not playing it was what I was saying.
Yea fair enough however Germany is one of the “big 3”
Pantsir also shows green radar brackets directly on screen. Its a huge advantage to all other systems, where you just have these blips @ flat radar screens. Every jet and incoming ordnance are highlighted with green brackets. Its just impossible to miss anything and thats why Pantsirs are impossible to beat. Thats why they shot every Maverick etc. My Tornado has not the slightest chance to drop a GBU and to guide it all the way into target. Its like 850 spawn points for absolutely nothing. One Pantsir for 100 sp or something will hardcounter enemy air assets worth many thousands of spawn points. It doesn’t make any sense. It should be the other way around…as soon as there’s a Pantsir any jet is barely worth more than 50 spawn points.
I’ve played Leopard 2PL only but I felt that was fine anyway, plus FlakRakRad isn’t the most terrible AA (not even close) which with VT-1 is very usable. F4F is bad in terms of airframe but I mean AMRAAM will do the anti air job pretty well and GBUs are ok.
Tor does the same, although because Tor missiles are like slow as they tend to do much worse when in actual use because it is doing what it was not designed to do.