Germany should not take Swiss vehicles

I made a map too…

Shown are possible blocks based on geography:

  • We already have a “North West” block with France and the newly added Benelux countries. Those could be expanded with Spain/Portugal.

  • We have a “South East” block based off Italy, with Hungary and some Turkish vehicles even. Here, Balkan countries could be added, as well as Greece.

*We have a North East" block based off Sweden and having Finnish and Norwegian vehicles. Could easily be made a “Scandinavian” block by adding Denmark.

…and the “Central” Europena block would then be made up of Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

UK is a bit of a special case: It already has some of its former colonies affiliated (South Africa, India, Australia), so maybe turning this into a “Commonwealth” block not restricted to Europe could make sense…

bro is resorting to genetics goddamn. You a German nationalist? Do you also want the Nordics in Germany – they have closer genetic ties to Germany than Switzerland if you spend a second looking at the map.

‘segregationist’ ??? They are separate sovereign nations.


Germany doesn’t need anything, really. It’s one of the most diverse trees in most regards, I would say.

Question is not, what Germany need, but where Switzerland would fit.

Speaking of that, I find it funny as a Swiss to hear from people from all over the world where we Swiss fit best culturally.


I’d agree.

In its own tree, with Austria.

That may be true, but no country is a monolith. There will be Swiss players who argue for a German sub-tree, there will be Swiss players who want a standalone tree. There will be non-Swiss players who argue for a German sub-tree, there will be non-Swiss players who want a standalone tree. Unfortunately this question is very divisive for some reason, and unless you could poll all the Swiss players, we won’t know what the ‘best fit’ is that way, but we can look at already established rules in-game for sub-trees/new nations, and at vehicle types, etc. rather than resorting to culture or genetics.

Oh how I dream of that… = )

Germany needs top tier air.

We are quite a ways away from the eurofighter and all Germany has is a F-4F with AIM-120s and a MiG-29 with R-73s and ERs.

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Nah, Austria and Germany belong together along with Prussia and Switzerland as well.

Your belief that Israel wouldn’t have unique vehicles at rank 1 is false and insanely rude to Israeli mains who aren’t doing anything to provoke being insulted.