German WW2 SPAAG Flaks 15-50mm and their Ammunition

I actually found mention of it.
In Mauser Ziel 2/24 - A visit to Mauser Werke AG
In which the testing of the 104g Minengeschoss X is multiple times mentioned. Aparently there were problems with it getting stuck in the barrle ir it exploding in the barrle (Rohrkrepierer)
It would be 104g up to 25g HA 41 and 950m/s.

So any idea for what weapon system it was first intended?

Probably makes more sense for the 2cm FlaK 38 considering it’s more powerfull.
On the MG 151/20 it reduces the already rather low velocity by quite a lot, being a heavier Mineshell that also uses less propellant because of the longer shell.

Sounds like it was never actually put into service. The 2cm Brandgranate was probably good enough anyway.

I can only imagine the Mineshell X to be used for Schräge Musik, where the low velocity and different trajectory wouldn’t make much difference.

For what it was first intended, idk, how far the development of it reached, also idk. I have only seen 2 mentions with time date 1944 of it. But i didnt look throught the whole Book, as its huge and i dont have it, i only looked at a preview.
I suppose the Mx is also for the Mg 213C, which has higher velocity, is against bombers and uses Flak ammo but also Minengeschosse as i habe read.

Damn i thought this won’t be a problem since the mg 151/20 fires 20×82mm shells and the Flak 38 fires 20×138mmB shells so both shells are the same diameter and only difference is the length

Well, i found a 2nd italian source mentioning a Mx tracer round. And i dont know if they fixed it in the end.

Welp thanks for the info at least it’s nice to know that they used more powerful shells on the Flak 38 at some point

Well and on the Mg 151/20.

Have you found anything else on this shell? Its available on some in-game german boats but finding a reference to it IRL seems quite rare.

Unfortunately not, except, that it may be the same APCBC shell, which was developed for the 3,7 cm Pak L/65 and L/70, however kept empty, similar which was done with 20mm Ammo for the Flaks, as the filler wasnt really needed when shooting at ships. Tho tbh i really dont know more, info is very sparse. Unfortunately i havent even found a copy of the Marine Manual of the 2 and 3,7 cm Flaks (And no i dont mean the Madsen Flak).


Damn, that sucks. Best of luck in the future.

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