nup thats just you. you basicaly said there is no reason germany shouldnt get a cas. every nation with great leopards has great cas besides germany. nations with other mbts and good line ups have great cas as well like russia and france.
So tell me. why shouldnt germany get a better cas? the leopard by far isnt prevalant in the german tree enough. Italy basicaly is the same with great cas and sweden is better with great cas
Man, I love it when a single really good tank makes your entire nation OP.
If only US players could learn how to actually play and make use of their tanks & jets properly.
Can they though?
“Sweden OP so Germany should be OP waaaah waaaah!!!”
i clearly said italy, russia and france are basicaly in a better situation as well. dont know why you are bringing up sweden specialy here
I liked your counterargument to specific points, not everything* is just looking at the user’s profile:
Look, wow, now excuse me as I go abuse Russian CAS with a single high tier plane.
And yes, I’ll be honest, depending on what you say I’ll have nothing to add by this reply.
In my experience the so said bias, RNG, barely experienced that. But somehow if I’m fighting Russia it’s the same as playing low tier vehicles, they’re oblivious to the situation.
So italy getting a single 2A7 makes it equal with Germany? yep makes sense. Also idk why you’re trying to through Sweden out of the argument when we were just talking about it.
If their first thought when installing War Thunder wasn’t buying a premium Abrams or pre-ordering Squadron vehicles like the AIM, this wasn’t a problem.
Yes? That’s to show that the person who’s currently engaged with me in an argument hasn’t played the nation that’s the primary topic, has not experienced their troubles, yet has the gall to tell people who have played said nation that “they’re not in need for better/more capable CAS platforms due to” and I quote “tanks good armour and gun tehe”.
Leopard 2s are in many cases useless for us when we just get out-attritioned by the hordes of better CAS platforms, i.e Su-25SM3 or F-16C. I have played matches where I have scored 12+ ground kills but still lost in the end because Germany is simply incapable of competing with Russia or US in the CAS department.
Mind you, both US & Russia have excellent vehicles, there’s no rhyme or reason to making an argument how “Germany is undeserving of a good CAS platform because they’ve good tanks” when these two exist, have tanks just as capable (ignoring, again, the 2A7V which despite its extreme artificial nerfs is still a step above) as Germany at fighting on the ground.
Look, wow, now excuse me as I go abuse Russian CAS with a single high tier plane.
Yea well, excuse me for making use of sarcasm. Must be a pretty foreign concept around these parts.
The F-4F early doesn’t even have a targeting computer for rockets or bombs => not good for CAS
The WTD doesn’t have any guided ammo => not good for CAS
Yes you’re right, but doesn’t means that I/or other player don’t know about issues with other nations like:
the issue with the Abrams not having good armor for the BR/or people complaining how bad US players is,
or the Leopard 2A5 begin overtiered,
inaccurate Challenger’s armor model,
Type 10’s (the three of them, specially 11.7 TKX and Type 10) armor begin too weak for its position,
Gaijin’s negligence with Ariete MBT’s position, Italy suffers thing,
Leclerc not recieving spall liner and also its position in BR
or the lacking of 6.0 Swedish vehicles or in this topic lacking of decent German CAS in high tiers, specifically 10.0 - 11.0 only depending on the MiG-23BN and the Tornados.
I think this also applies to any other nation/vehicle, doesn’t matter which vehicle is, if there’s a horde of CAS you said, it’ll be mostly a defeat. So it’s not a exclusivity.*
I no moment I said Germany is undeserving of a good CAS, just don’t need much of them, about this really specific topic of if a CAS is deserved or not I’m not in really, it’s obvious just by looking at my profile, my CAS planes are exclusive to low tier except by Sea Harrier FRS.1 that I only play in air battles and same with Su-22M3 because I don’t play 10.3 ground battles anymore, same applies to A-4E Skyhawk after it begin moved up BR to 9.3 in ground battles.*
Cool, 3 tanks that can all be easily killed. Very OP.
you are describing top tier at general here, everything is 1 shot if you know where to hit. Besides that i named only 2, i know i know countings hard. Or you count the leopard 2a7 and are basicaly saying that its not that good, that works as well
You can’t 1 shot a leopard when you nonpen it lmao.
This whole discussion is so mind-numbing, every nation deserves a competitive and capable CAS lineup, regardless of the capabilities of their ground tech tree. Game balance isn’t based on “I died to a person who plays a nation I don’t like”. Like come on.
The 10.3 Tornados need guided ammunition. Other 10.3 have AS30L and GBUs. These fat Tornados are useless in GRB, just with dumb 1000lb bombs its hopeless.
What theoretically works is the F-4F at 10.3. Unfortnately just two Mavericks, means its barely worth the spawn points for just two shots. The Mi-24P is ok, you can use the max ATGM loadout for good results. But really, Ger needs fixed wing CAS.
i see you sadly didnt learn anything about Drag0oons lesson how to pen the turret or that you can shoot the drivers hatch. such a shame a young mind unwilling to learn
The only MBT that Italy used to have is worthless, now the only real reward is grinding through light tanks and the recently added Hungarian sub-tree,
But if you mention anything about Air vehicles at least consider that not everyone have it, also, AV-8B+ is a overtiered vehicle, Sea Harrier FRS.1 is decent at its BR but leaving a Harrier in 12.3 doesn’t means it’s good, same with the JAS 39 EBS HU C, not everyone owns it but it’s just like the Leopard 2A7HU, they’re minor vehicles, the only excuse to grind top tier Italy because most of the rest are worthless
Its funny how the community is mocking Germany and German players all day. But somehow all want our tanks in their TTs. Sadly Gajin always complies to it. Leopards, Tigers, Panzers everywhere. But when Ger asks for some air tech, nothing seems possible :( Not even minor changes in CAS ordnance like more than two Mavericks or GBUs for its strike aircraft.
i mean the arietes never were good, there is a reason i didnt name them.
Still their lights are excelent that never changed
of course still its a factor specialy because we are comparong possible CAS in this thread. Please remember this is a CAS thread mainly not an air thread i am only talking about ground line ups because this person gives that as a reason why germany shouldnt receive a new cas
Besides that arguably AMX A-1A can make a decent enough new cas plane for anyone to get with access to gbus
again we are talking GRB here its 12.0. You in general seem to be in the wrong thread here. You seem to get the topic all wrong
All together italy has a decent line up currently, doesnt matter about how intresting it is, or about how many vehicles are italian here, we are purely talking performance
God forbid we get anything good in terms of aircraft, Gaijin still have PTSD from the CL13 days