German Aviation Perspective (List of aircraft)

it has the ECM antenna, so late variant

well Alphajet would be wonderfull as it replaced the G.91 R3 wich is quite outdated and the last vehicle for a long BR range.
The alphajet has a lot of weapon options.
can be implemented both in germany and france, has AGM 65 Mavericks, Flares and chaff, unguided missiles and unguided bombs, offensive guns in gunpods. Over all just a nice new addition to the game

is the alphajet a better dogfighter than the g.91 r/3. i fucking love my gina so if its a better dogfighter i will abuse it.

Mind showing me where the antenna is?


The one behind the cockpit is the ECM Antenna and the smaller one is the IFF Antenna, but i am not sure if the ECM Antenna was from day 1 or came with the 80

The use of Norm 83 (low level forest camo) is also a giveaway that it’s a later Alpha Jet.

Camouflage is not always a good way of determining what variant of vehicle is coming.

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Yea, (F-4F Early, with a skin from a RF-4E(Panther skin)

True, but Gaijin generally keeps aircraft camo accurate to the variant. If it were an earlier variant, Norm 72 would be appropriate.

But I guess we will just have to wait until the dev stream.

EDIT: Note the lack of the ECM antenna and anti-collision light

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Maybe this will be a optional skin. Or one of the Tigermeet skins

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Changes that were made in the А 80 modification (If anyone is interested)



“Red bull” would be better of course)



That depends on if Gaijin will get the licensing. Also the part about the A-80 upgrade doesnt seem to mention IR countermeasures it seems. Is that correct?

They are mentioned in another source, but in this old brochure, yes

We dont need that, because we have the flight manuell and actual pictures from the countermeasures



And also other which i cant share here

Is it this picture? Because I heard claims about this being of a different modification. If thats incorrect, I would be glad

Added some pics

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Thank you

Those were planned for the alpha jet ice, an upgrade that was never performed. The alpha jet doesn’t get any guided A2G irl.

We could receive the Portuguese variant (or any other German export) as a premium, just like Italy received its Portuguese Gina. Gina R/4 also needs a successor.

However, Dornier carried out some tests with different versions of guided weapons, developed in-house. So it would not be a compromise to improve the CAS capability of the Alpha Jet, taking into account that Germany needs a good CAS in the medium ranges.