Generation 5 Missiles - Thoughts?

Do you think we’ll have the IRIS-T/9X/ASRAAM/Python 4/ Mica IR by Christmas next year? (Obviously in very gimped states most likely. Gaijin still have yet to implement any form of ECM, with the only trace of it being in the form of IRCCM on the SU-25s and Helicopters.

What ways do you think they could be implemented fairly and not absolutely game-breaking?


Oh I have no doubt they could add em balanced right now, but it’d be terribly unfun and require hefty decompression, and we know how well Gaijin gets along with that idea


I predict gajin add another 4th gen infrared Air-to-Air Missile for aircraft rank 8 in the first major update next year

For example 4th generation infrared Air-to-Air Missile

  • AIM-9M-8
  • AIM-9M-9
  • AIM-9M-10
  • R-73M
  • PL-9C

Sorry, these WVR Air-to-Air Missile it’s 5th generation

I suppose 5th generation infrared Air-to-Air Missile for fighter aircraft top tier coming to september or late october ~ early november next year

But I want gajin add 5th gen infrared Air-to-Air Missile for attack aircraft and tactical strike aircraft in the second major update

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On low performance airframes (Ground attackers) maybe.

For top tier fighters, I doubt it.

Im personally guessing that their IRCCM abilties wont be all that much stronger than we have already on missiles like Aim-9M or Magic II, just effective out to greater ranges

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Personally I’d rather not have another A-10 situation where something has missiles well below the BR they belong.

On the other hand, I don’t want an F-14/F-15E situation, where one of the best performing aircraft, also gets one of the best loadouts.

Gaijin will hopefully add better IR missiles in a nerfed state, as well as hopefully decompressing the BRs.


Yeah, I hope to avoid that too, but personally, depending on the flare resistance modeled. Something like the Tornado Gr4 with 2x long ranged, high performance IR Missiles like ASRAAM, wouldnt be inherrently OP at or around 13.3 ish by my reckoning.

So its a tough call. But something has to be first and I would rather get them balanced on a weak platform than a strong one where they might end up over-nerfed


I genuinely hope we don’t see them. Not on aircraft at least.

I’m fine for the 9X / IRIS-T / Python 5 etc SPAA’s that exist to come to the game, because frankly, I think ground is being bullied by CAS so hard at top tier, that they need an extreme deterrent like that to keep tanks playable.

But on aircraft… the range, IRCCM, target reacquisition and NEZ on these sort of missiles is legitimately terrifying. We would need top tier games to go down to like 5v5 at maximum for it to be even remotely playable - and even then, the gameplay will be utterly horrific. You often see lobbies in DCS outright ban these missiles because they’re so un-fun to play against. Point and click adventure game type stuff lol.

Heck, in DCS, these missiles pull so insanely hard that when they re-acquire lock after an overshoot in a knife fight, There’s a very real, possible risk to shoot yourself down by accident lol. Once they leave the rack, these little gremlin sticks are on nobodies team.


These missiles make an AIM-9M look like an AIM-9B, I sure as hell hope we don’t see them soon. I mean sure Gaijin could need them until they are balanced, but at that point they’re not really adding the missiles, just something completely fictional that looks like it. Plus, every nation already has a relatively balanced IRCCM missile or two. I really hope we don’t see any new top missiles in 2025 but if we do it’s almost certainly just going to be slightly improved ARH models.
However, we could see such missiles on SPAA.


“Gremlin sticks”

I’m actually dying LMAO

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Gajin not delay next generation WVR Air-to-Air Missile for fighter aircraft top tier until the second major update 2026 or 2 years because we don’t want wait very long time

5th gen infrared Air-to-Air Missile for attack aircraft and tactical strike aircraft rank 8 before fighter aircraft top tier, I think

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Even that’d be awful honestly.

We already see right now, things like A10C just have a 3-4 mile aura of death around them that things are too afraid to approach. (Same thing back when A6E / A10A / Su25 were at silly low BR with 9L / R60M).

Everytime we have experimented with this idea of giving lower performance aircraft missiles that are better than fighters of their BR, it’s been a balancing disaster. They either bully - or get shoved up so high in BR that people start actively asking for the gimmick missile to be removed so they can be dropped again (see GR4 / GR7 as examples).

It don’t think anyone benefits from it. It would not be fun to fight 14.0+ in a strike aircraft, and it would not be fun to fight a strike aircraft with OP missiles in those 14.0+ lol.

But you know, the more I write about us constantly repeating this same mistake again and again, I think you’re probably right. Sounds exactly what the snail will do again lmao.


I never saw A-10C mounted AIM-9X


I suppose battle rating 13.3 or 13.7 minimum

Attack aircraft and tactical strike aircraft with 2 new gen IR missile only (Tornado GR.4 & Mirage 2000D RMV)

Idk man. Fighting something like an ASRAAM in a 12.3 / 12.7 sounds absolutely unbearable. Would be infinitely worse than dealing with AMRAAM’s. There’s no notching. There’s no multipathing. Even if you roll a luck jackpot and flare it - it can just re-acquire you and come back again. It’d be awful, awful gameplay.

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Python 4 are, as the name suggests fourth generation, they should already be in game. In fact they have been in the files for months. I hoped Gaijin would introduce them on this event Kfir, that afaik shouldn’t be able to carry python 3, but they didn’t, though they are also in the files.

The python 5 are fifth generation.

Python 4 is a 5th gen missile as it uses a dual-band seeker and has extreme manueverability. The “4” is because it is the 4th missile in the family. Just because the Sidewinder is called the AIM-9 doesn’t mean it’s a “9th generation” missile.

We’ll get asraam but it’ll only be out on the tornado f3 late (or even more egregious, a premium tornado)

Even then, probably likely only the Gr4

Python 4 has dual-band IRCCM, it’ll be like trying to flare a TVC stinger. There is a reason why it’s been in the files for so long, because the Devs have also thought that adding it in currently without any competition would just be busted

I think a way this can be solved is by having mods affect BR where equipping the mod for AIM-9X would increase the vehicles BR and unequipping it would reduce the BR.

Other than that Gaijin would do either:

  1. Add the exact same aircraft but with a slightly different name + better missiles.
  2. Add it to an existing aircraft and increase it’s BR, either leaving a gap in the TT or the aircraft becomes absolutely impossible to play.

I’d like for them to implement those special flares every western country developed as a response to the new kinds of irccm as well if they ever get added
otherwise its just kinda gg explode