Yep, that would be BOL
Eh, along with actual EC style maps (and not just the re-hash 128x128km maps that we have right now.) it would make it playable easily, after all you’ll need to start considering the strengths of your weaponry more critically, and your airframe.
You are wrong, the Python 4 is considered a fourth gen.
See here for example.
For the seeker they could gimp it like they did with the PL-5EII.
They’re wrong, or using a different convention. Either way, it doesn’t matter what generation a weapon or vehicle is but it’s performance. The He 163 and MiG-17 are the same generation aircraft, as are the Su-7 and Tornado.
First off, asking for a “gimped seeker” goes back to what I said here-
What you’re asking for isn’t a Python 4 but just something that looks like it. And beyond that, even with a copy-pasted seeker from an existing missile it would still be far too powerful. The Python 4 can pull 50-70g with a 60 degree off-boresight and a 20km range. It would be fastest, longest-ranged, and by far most maneuverable IR missile in the game, and can even kill vehicles behind the launch aircraft.
unlikley to happen until F22 and F35.
Python 4 was bulit before the 9x
Doesn’t matter when it was built or when it was introduced into service. Gaijin bases their decisions on whether a munition gets added or not by the munition’s capability.
If added, it would be the best IR missile in game by a decent margin provided it isn’t artificially nerfed. Gaijin usually prefers to add some contemporaries to even the playing field which leads into the discussion of 4/5 gen IR missiles being fucking danger sticks in creative mode.
Python 4 is 4th gen
I loved my R-27ER contemporaries
I loved my MiG-23MLD contemporaries
I loved my F-14 contemporaries
Never said Gaijin was consistent or fair, but that’s the rough guideline they themselves have said when it comes to adding new weapons.