General Japanese & Thai Ground Forces Discussion HQ

I have requested one of the technical moderators via PM to add the blueprints of the 37 mm Type 98 tank gun and sources about the late model Type 95 Ha-Go to @_N4MELESS 's bug report. I believe we have gathered enough sources. So there is no need to submit a new bug report.


It has been found that the Type 95 Ha-Go in the game is modeled based on a very special variant. It is the Type 95 Ha-Go modified in Rabaul to be equipped with a flamethrower. There is a Type 93/Type 100 flamethrower attached next to the left front fender. Historically, it is known that this flamethrower-equipped variant had its tank gun removed and a dummy barrel installed. Yes, it is clear that there is a critical bug in the armament of the Ha-Go in the game. I also sent the source for this flamethrower.


Enlisted Type 95 Ha-Go. Same model as War Thunder. Flamethrowers cannot be used.



Looks like my report was accepted at least. It’s a small change, but it should give the secondary gun a lot more utility. It might actually be useable against the sides of some medium tanks now too.
Thanks to everyone who help get this bug report noticed.


Next order of business: The Ro-Go’s lack of shoulder stabilizers on both turrets.


Thank you. Could you link both bug reports? I haven’t seen it yet. I’d like to support it

Well done. TBH, I’m surprised it hasn’t been bug reported sooner lol. Well, time for the Chi-Ri to go up in BR))

I haven’t made the report for the R0-Go. I haven’t thoroughly researched the source of the images yet, and I’m hesitant to make a report with just two contextless images.

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It was reported before, but the same suggestion include the ability of the gun to be aimed horizontally in its mount, which caused the suggestion to be denied.

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If anyone can help me, lmk. I’ve been trying to find ballistic tables for the Type 1 APHE fired from the Type 1 37 mm gun.

Japanese ammunition data, 25 MM-70 MM, 20 July 1945. Report No. 12-b(52), USSBS Index Section 6 (文書名:Records of the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey ; Entry 46, Security-Classified Intelligence Library. 1932-1947. 65 ft = 米国戦略爆撃調査団文書 ; 各種日本関係情報) (課係名等:Intelligence Branch ; Library and Target Data Division) (シリーズ名:Intelligence,military: Japanese army and equipment) - 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション

This is all I have so far. Sadly, this is just a penetration table. Gaijin understandably doesn’t accept penetration tables due to the wide disparity in test conditions, so I need something with ballistics (time in flight, muzzle velocity, etc.)

Are you familar with this one?


Very much so.

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Keep up the bug reports and the improvements for Japan, one day it’ll be even more filled out, (hopefully) gaijin will give it well deserved love and attention and it’ll become more popular. Can’t wait to get hold of the new ifv.

According to the manual for the 70 mm Type 94 tank gun, the gun’s elevation can be controlled either by a worm screw drive or a shoulder rest. If needed, the connection between the worm screw drive and the gun can be disengaged to allow elevation aiming with the shoulder rest. In the drawing, (F) is the aiming drive, which is the elevation worm drive.

“Aiming Drive: The elevation aiming drive is a worm screw type, allowing for disconnection and enabling shoulder rest aiming.”
Formal Adoption of the Type 94 70 mm Tank Gun. Army Technical Headquarters. 1935. p. 8


Thanks! This will be very useful.
I’ll throw together a report and probably have it posted on the site by tm.


Let us know! We’ll be sure to support it


If you have got anything on this, this is the time !


It’s strange that the Ontos has six pre-loaded shells in its gun barrels, yet they aren’t willing to do the same for the Type 60 SPRG by giving it just two extra rounds to help with its biggest issue. If this logic is being used to justify the decision, then pre-loaded rounds should also be removed from other SPRGs so there’s no question about why the Type 60 is the exception to this treatment.


I have added sources about the rate of fire and the ready rack of the 120 mm Type 3 AA gun.


You’re amazing wth


Do you have any photographs/diagrams of the 五式十五糎高射砲

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They have got the Type 5 Ka-To in WoT console !!!

Also Type 5 Ho-Ru !