General Japanese & Thai Ground Forces Discussion HQ

the main difference of the hull is the material its build in wich its lighter, aswell as the engine being lighter than the Type 89 engine so i dont think that a lighter hull and engine will make it heavier specially taking in count they only moved the turet on that hull to demonstrate its a universal hull

if im not wrong japan its developing 3 different turrets at the moment according to janes review, one of them could be the turret for a possible new IFV or its just me coping one of two lol

What do you say about a dedicated anti-drone vehicle?


dosent count, also looks cool if i were in there, the last thing i would target would be drones people passing nearby will have a bald scalp after passing by tho

I honestly didn’t saw you were replying to me. Anyway i was not responding to you with the anti-drone vehicle.

Regarding the turret, it could be anything, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up too high for another IFV, especially considering that the CTWV is already being mass-produced and Japan favors wheel-based AFVs. I can’t really see a tracked IFV showing up again, especially considering that the last time one was seen was about four years ago, and absolutely nothing has been heard about it since.

I’m more optimistic about a new amphibious combat vehicle, especially considering the fact that the ‘Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade’ lacks a fire support vehicle. The turret is said to be a PROTECTOR MCT-30, so it would be equipped with an MK.44 gun that can share ammunition with the CTWV.
It sounds reasonable, especially considering that the Oerlikon 35mm gun was selected for the Type 89 IFV mainly because of the ammunition compatibility between the Oerlikon GDF and the Oerlikon KDA.


man i want a proper ifv for japan


I recently stumbled upon a tweet pointing out an intriguing detail in a film scene: among the surrendered vehicles, there appeared to be a Chi-Ha tank equipped with a Chi-He turret, complete with appliqué armor. This discovery suggests that the Chi-Ha variant with a Chi-He turret, previously believed to have been modified solely by US troops after capture, actually existed and was modified by the Japanese themselves.


So the uparmored turret from Soumo arsenal that this caption is referring to is just a failure to mention it is from a Chi-He?

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Not another 30mm bushmaster -_-

Why must it always be a 30mm bushmaster

25mm Oerlikon is the superior AC (Although the 35mm from the Type 87 AA would be kinda funny as an IFV / AFV main weapon XD)

Do ST-A1 and 2 have 500hp gross or net power?
I might have asked this several months ago.

500 hp at 2200 rpm

The prototype specifications are written at the bottom.

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Possibly. However, the narrative surrounding this tank appears to be conflicting. Some sources claim it was modified by Japan, while others, such as the guy in the video, suggest it was modified by Americans. So, which one is it? Nonetheless, I’ve posted it for illustrative purposes.

Thanks! Seems like it should be 550hp in game. Now we just need sources about the engine.



Btw, i honestly have no idea what MPMS-Kai Jane is refering to.

The new MPMS, which will consist of a command-and-control centre, a multifunction radar, and at least one launcher – each of which will be mounted on separate 4×4 vehicles – will incorporate features from both the Type 96 MPMS and the Middle-range Multi-Purpose Missile (MMPM or Chū-MPM). Both of these road-mobile systems, which are manufactured by KHI, are currently operated by the JGDSF.

I never seen it being brought up on the Japanese side and this is like a four year old article.

It’s a project that it’s quite old in fact that was supossed to upgrade the type 96 to be much like the MMPS but cheaper and with much longer range, idk what has been with the project but it’s a completely new thing based on their old stuff, plans of it started like in 2010 i think

This one


So, it is just a ground launcher …

That is the old improvement model which is focusing on target acquisition. I think that one never got adopted. The newer improvement model look a little bit different and being much larger.
The new one is more focusing on longer range and lower cost. It also get the ability to fire on sea.

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