General Japanese & Thai Ground Forces Discussion HQ

Where is this photo? Just re-read your comment

You should re-read what I said instead: the fictional design he posted was NOT produced, what WAS produced was the Jagdtiger-like Ho-Ri on the Chi-Ri hull, retaining the hull 37mm.

I’ll try to find that picture, though currently I don’t have access to my PC where I believe I kept a copy.

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Obviously I know it wasn’t produced, I’ve been researching the Ho-Ri for years bro

I was asking where the photo is of the produced hulls, I’ve yet to see such a photo.




A friend sent this to me, no clue if it’s legit or not, but it’s still interesting! :D

If the CTWV does get added, are there any differences in regards to armour between the RCV and ICV?


I guess you could consider the unmanned turret of the ICV to be a part of protection, otherwise they seem to have similar armor packages. The only other difference might be due to the different shapes of their respective hulls, but that would likely only have minor impact in game.


Well also the ICV is receiving MMPM ATGMS on the side…



Will ICV not have any ATGMs whatsoever? Thats kind of a suprise, I havent been following it but I would have assumed they would slap pn some ATGMs.

Narp, not part of the spec. It’s like Ajax for the UK. It’ll either deploy infantry, or call in support.

I’m honestly surprised the ICV doesn’t have ATGMs, since it’s literally an “Infantry combat vehicle”. The RCV not having it makes sense to me, but as for the ICV, we’ll have to wait and see what Japan does

What ATGM could they give it? Some kind of NLOS atgm maybe, they are popular at the moment.

It’s not the one that’s on the Type 89, it’s due to be retired.

Either the Type 87 Chu-MAT, Type 01 Light Anti-Tank Guided Munition, or MMPM

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Overall, the front armor of the CTWV family is likely weaker than the MCV, and the RCV lacks 5mm gap armor compared to the ICV front, but note that the current RCV is a prototype, so this image could be fictional.

Oh, I forgot that the RCV uses a manned turret while the ICV is an unmanned one, although I was the one who originally suggested the difference XD

Unmanned turret lacks the rear optic mast

In general, fitting the ICV with ATGM may require a redesign of the turret, which is designed to switch between manned and unmanned, the space reserved for humans will not be used to store any equipment, and it is impossible to add ATGM launchers on the sides, which will lead to increased costs. We can only accept…

Do you mean this gap armor?

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But we do not know what kind of board thickness gaijin will give, the lack of 5mm gap armor may result in a lack of 8-14mm equivalent, assuming the front plate thickness is 20mm, the lack of armor may cause the vehicle to be more easily penetrated by the APDS.