Gemrany rank 3 scout when?

Really think they should make the PaK into this and then add the OG PaK into the tree with scouting

USSR needs one first Germany already has puma

I have not seen any of these present in-game, especially the last two pictured with the MG 81Z or the 7.5 cm L/48, both of which would make an excellent rank III:


PT-76 (1957) or 76B would be my suggestion

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I made a suggestion for that actually
BT-7A (L-11)

Well, if they give correct penetration to the APCR of that cannon it could do something. Apart from that, the issue of damage registration should be reviewed, because when you shoot with the Marder A1 at some unarmored tank it takes a few seconds for it to register that you are hitting it. doing damage, so the enemy notices and kills you, before the game registers that you killed the gunner.

So with US SPAA gap somewhat fixed by Skink, this now seems to be the next obvious issue to fix:)
Seems like we have good amount of options, so hopefully, we will see some coming in the near future.

That PT-76B seems like a good option, we know it would come as 5.3, which would fit well into German lineups in 3rd rank and the required work would be minimal just like in Skink case:P

Spz HS.30 Lang also seems like a likely option, since we already have Battle Pass variant with recoilless rifle. (Although spähpanzer kurz also seems very nice)

And of course some Sd.Kfz.234 variant would be very cool:)

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You aren’t funny and making viable light vehicles event only is a sign of really bad planning from Gaijin


TH-302, unstabilized 20mm with no thermals, no way they can put this at 7.0 with how big it is. Would be more fitting at the same rank as the AMX-10P.

At that br they already have the terribly implemented luchs. Germany needs something at tiger br

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Bulldog is even lower than Luchs (although I expect Luchs A2 to go down according to reported first impressions).

Yeah, Germany could really use 4.3+ Light vehicle with scouting.

What makes you think it would be worthy of the same BR? I clearly said it is most comparable to AMX-10P.

I think the luchs is still missing the torgue converter. But I believe the best option would be to remove the thermals (downgrading it to a A1) and put it at 5.7 or maybe 5.3. Would make more sense aswell because the A2 version wasn’t approved for swimming due to the extra weight of the thermals

Best option would be to just copy the A2 remove thermals and rename it to A1 and put it at 5.3/5.7 to keep both variants but we know gaijin wont do that if it isn’t coming in a new update despite being little work

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Or have it keep the thermals because frankly it can’t properly make use of them anyway