GE on sale?

Will GE prices go down on Thanksgiving or Christmas?

No. I don’t think they ever have a discount, but they have extra GE if you buy them in bulk. Be sure reflects that before your purchase. It should be visible in the official store in the purchasing GE section.

GE never goes on discount, however premium day sales kinda exist, by that i mean things like 180 days of prem for a lower price. The closest thing you can have to a “GE sale” is pretty much just buying straight from the gaijin store website, where it costs less than buying directly from steam.

Be sure reflects that before your purchase. What does that mean?

Yeah I don’t use steam. I use the launcher.

Oh sorry, I meant be sure if you purchase a package that it includes the extra GE. They sell smaller packs that do not include extras.

oh okay!-

GE is a premium currency and it’s never going to be on sale for a lower price, this only applies to GE vehicles, packs or bundles.

As others have said, ge doesnt go on sale.

Vehicles and premium will go on sale though. Early november is when i get a year of premium because it is 50% off.


The Razer gold offers are about the closest thing to a GE sale they do

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