(i guess i created previous topic in wrong section)
Gaz 66 truck with ZU23
Is it needed? Not really? But it would be definietly be a fun addition, potential meme truck, that actually is historically accurate. Cool addition, without need to dig some obscure prototypes or “object” tanks.
This vehicle would pave the way for more cool “technicals” in future. We already have cool italian truck, we had “mad max style” event, why not go step further. Couple reference photos:
Like I said, it’s not the exact same, but it’s pretty damn close. I’m sorry I can’t tell the difference between one truck with a gun o the back and another
i dont think justification has anything to do with this.
it is up to the suggestion moderators to decide if your suggestion is UP TO STANDARDS, the lack of which is usually the only reason why suggestions get denied.
if you meant that it got accepted and then removed?
i think you mustve done something wrong there as well such as changing the title or vehicle name
Пробежавшись по темам не нашёл её, и вот только создал новую.
После того как подняли по БР БТР-ЗД с 4.0 на 60, образовалась большая прореха в древе. И вот что бы её заполнить как раз пригодиться ЗСУ-23-2 на базе ГАЗ-66-05.
Т.к. на моей памяти БТР-ЗД был на БР-5.3, то и этот шедевр военной мысли можно разместить на БР-5.3 .
На данном БР он не будет такой же имбой, как БТР-ЗД, введу:
невозможности стрельбы вперёд;
отсутствие противопульного бронирования не только расчёта, но и экипажа в кабине;
большим, в сравнение с гусеничной техникой, углом разворота.
I don’t see the point in anti-aircraft installations with identical guns. This is the level of a tractor with a machine gun. It is better to solve problems of the pre-highest and highest level with SAM and top CAS, there are real and very serious problems. And what you propose is another obstacle to learning higher-level equipment. I am already tired of learning equipment without premium, the game has turned into a garbage grinder.
300-400k exp for one unit of equipment + a bunch of modules, oh yeah!
If you have a lot of time or money for this garbage, it doesn’t mean that you should project your problems on others.