Gaslit by the Devs: The Turnrate Math in War Thunder IS WRONG

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Tryna gaslight me HAHA 2D jokes are allways funny

Gaijin changed their mind and admitted the report is correct and will be nerfed.


The title still stands imo,

if a physics engine developer is that bad at his own math, claims someone is wrong and shuts down the conversation and tells people that they are wrong this is gaslighting!

  • in my humble opionion someone like this with such caracter traits and skillset should not be in charge of developing such systems.

and just adding a Tag means absoluteley nothing! i have countless requests where they changed the tags and shut down the conversation in simmilar ways! GJ has a REALLY hard time admitting mistakes wich is just bad for gamedevelopment!


The actual flight manual is going to be completely ignored?

Someone might as well check all the aircraft in game if this is incorrect.

Please read the first sentence, the bug was fixed and the turn rate will be reduced to 14.2.
Trickzzter only made an error and clicked on not a bug instead of fixed, human error…


When and where WAS the patch? you say “was” wich is past tense…

yes i did, but it is not calculated right using the formula! i even wrote a whole post about it can you believe it !?!

@Metrallaroja did you even read my post fully?

( no hate but if you come at me like that with that passive agressive bs im coming back my guy!)

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Telling people they are wrong is not and has never been gaslighting.
Please stop accusing the entire planet of being mentally ill… THAT is gaslighting.
You are gaslighting everyone by falsely accusing people of gaslighting just for saying someone was wrong.
That and by you claiming people are wrong… you’re accusing yourself of gaslighting.

Was fixed internally.
It will go live probably in the next major update.

Dev prob did not calculate with a formula but tested it in game.
Format of the formula was a bit corrupted on internal site so I dont think he could properly even read it.
Also you assume 90 degree bank angle which might not be the case in a sustained turn.

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Firstly, Im not here to seek conflict.
Yes, some of that was wrong and will be implemented in the next dev.
Second, I do believe that human error is present, but not just on the devs’ side, given that the one who reported that also made an error on the report for the F-8E’s turn rate.
I do study physics, and while I do believe that both of those formulas work ( not saying they’re giga accurate obviously and I’m not rly good at anything aeronautics/aerodynamics related) I am going to take a moment to look at that whole math shebang and see if those formulas can be improved, seems like there is space for that, especially when interpreting the manuals and their graphs. ( That being said don’t pressure me too hard with that stuff, I have really little free time and I spend it here which is defo a bad investment lolol)

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I’m not here to fight but dude from a different view it looks like you are egging him on and I’ve seen you do this a few times before, I’m on the posters side here.

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Calm down.

Have you read what I said.
First, Trickzzter is not a developer.
Secondly, the not a bug tag was just an error.


Calm down. You are the one who is being passive aggressive from the beginning.

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