dont know if its just me but for game movement/gameplay is just getting worse and worse per update that they put out. also with the fact of the newest update where they are alloying bots to be placed in game servers to speed up game stats/full servers.
are they even trying to fix warthunder anymore or just letting it die slowly because they dont really listen to player feed back at all
for the people who play warthunder everyday im guessing that you will say the game has been doing better and there are no bots so please dont start with that false information.
Imo, the issue is that gamemodes and map designs are still being made with WW2/Korean era vehicles in mind and not for the actual performance of the stuff at top tier/higher tier. This results in very stale gameplay for anything past about 10.0.
Its time for an overhaul of map design and gamemodes as a starting point .
As for the Bots… It would be fine if they rewarded the same, but they dont.
Then why are they so small? Especially for the air modes? Also, why am I still shooting down F-86 Sabres in the Typhoon?
Yes they were, which is why its wierd Gaijin havent added any other objective types to GRB other than domination. Even COD has a better set of gamemodes than just that. So much potential with different gamemode/objective types presented in other games, its stupid that GRB has still only got the same 3 objective types and air only has 1.
You could have a decent set of “arcade” gamemode likes CTF in a seperate gamemode, but for the regular GRB mode, imagine a single cap zone map, but the cap zone moved everytime it was captured. So the battle was ever changing and dynamic.
there is a lot they could do to improve the PvE in gameplay in something like Sim with what they have now. The biggest issue is the lack of diversity and I can think of a dozen variations on missions that would be easily achievable with the AI they have currently.
What? Average map size for high BR ground [above 7.7] is over 2x2km, which is over double the average area of 2017 maps.
Not only that, but air maps are 128x128km, which outside of Fakour 90s and AIM-54s launched at 12,000, are larger than the weapon systems ranges by at least double.
And refer to this:
Gaijin added all the relevant objective types. COD has infantry for kill confirmed, and kill confirmed is incompatible with vehicle combat.
We know they’re working on AI that can launch missiles and control radars.
and yet the average distance on LRF is less than 500m. Most maps you are practically point blank. 2x2km maps are tiny for most top tier MBTs and its time we looked at getting 3x3km or even 4x4km maps. Also Ground EC? Maybe even bigger still. That would actually be fun gameplay.
and for air I would say they are still too small, I personally find them a bit too small in stuff like the SHar, Jaguar, Buc and Tornado let alone For something like a Typhoon, to go from 1 side of the map to the other would take less than 4 minutes at speed and given it only takes about 2 minutes to go from brakes off to 30ft at more than mach 1. thats 6 minutes to get anywhere. If we assume a range of say 30km for an AMRAAM, which is under balling the ranges quite a bit here. Means that time from the runway to firing off missiles is a few minutes at most.
Doubling the sizes of top tier ASB maps would barely be enough and we could perhaps do with even bigger than that.
128km maps are fine for high sub-sonic to low supersonic aircraft, but are woefully lacking for anything above 12.0
COD has more gamemodes than KC. Where is king of the hill? CTF? S&D (one team attack, 1 team defend kind of mode). etc etc etc.
The “Captures these 1-3 locations on the map” is really stagnant gameplay.
You also have to remember that the minimum range from Sherman to Abrams is identical: 0 meters.
Tanks don’t have a minimum range, only maximum ranges that they’re designed for.
Sherman is about 2km, Abrams, Challenger, etc is about 4.5km.
Obviously there are exceptionally skilled gunners that exceed those ranges.
The minimum ranges stay the same though.
I say, IF we ever see Meteor missiles and AIM-260s then larger than 128x128 will be necessary, of course it’ll be exclusively vs stealth aircraft.
Though TBH, I hope we never see better than AIM-120C6, even if multipathing stays for all missiles.
128x128km is far too large for subsonic aircraft.
Single-cap maps are king of the hill.
S&D doesn’t work with vehicles.
Right, why does this mean we HAVE to always engage at these kinds of ranges?
So, 4x4km maps for top tier would be fine then, especially when you add in terrain and other map features with only a few sections where you can get those kinds of ranges.
I would still argue that 128km maps are barely large enough for something like a Tornado F3 With Skyflash SuperTEMPs let alone a Typhoon with Aim-120Bs. Meteor equipped aircraft we should be talking about 556km maps. Typhoon and most 12+. More like 256km
I would argue its just barely the right size. As it allows for some travel time. but isnt beyond the reasonable scope of gameplay.
But they dont move, they stay in the same place which is bad gameplay and results in snowballing maps
Why? Have one team defend an objective and the other team has to attack it. Its a video game, they can do whatever they want
We have a few currently, a notable one is Red Desert. And Red Desert is only really popular in Asia, I can tell cause I only get Red Desert in Asia evenings.
Larger maps are harder to get right of course, Euro Province was pretty bad until the rework.
Spawn to spawn shooting wasn’t a particularly healthy gameplay loop.
right off the bat im going to shatter your head no they are not planning anything “BIG” anytime soon it will most likely just be another copy and paste of past updates with very small changes that wont change the game at all
Considering you can’t even hit mach 2 in planes designed for it (let alone stay at those very high speeds) due to the map size, I agree. EC maps are the only way to make the Mig-23s speed really shine, but even then they feel cramped due to everyone staying at sea level.
I agree. I’ve tried the typhoon in sim a few times, and even afganistan felt very cramped.
Another issue is that Gaijin doesn’t make an attempt to spread players out at all, which leads to more cramped gameplay than there should be.