Game has suddenly started with heavy freezes / stuttering

It’s Nvidia App now.

It just sets maximum settings in 4K and DLSS Balanced for my system with 4060ti

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Yea, lol, I just refer to it as Experience lol ;)

I’m sure it has a slider still, I’d custom to slide it back a bit so that certain settings turn off in the preview.

That’s what I do when I set mine, just watching for the main laggy settings to switch.

After doing Wt file verification, DDU safe mode uninstall and reinstall of drivers, turning off nvidia and discord overlays… the fix for me was going into my war thunder directory, and just deleting the Cache folder. It rebuilt it and fps went back to normal and no complete 20 seconds freezes.

I think, for some, the ray tracing changes in an update corrupted the cache and it needs to be rebuilt.

Worked for me, ymmv

I reduced my heavy stuttering this way.

  1. Install Process Lasso
  2. Open up Process Lasso.
  3. Run War Thunder while keeping Process Lasso on your other screen.
  4. In Process Lasso Active Processes, set aces.exe to high priority
  5. Monitor the Actions Log. See where ProBalance begins when it starts to stutter. Most probably you have a msedgewebview2.exe running that suddenly is taking fully your system CPU usage. Set the priority to below normal.
  6. Monitor other applications and adjust accordingly.

You will have a more playable experience now.
There is some small micro stutters I find however, I am playing at 4k with high resolution quality. I reduced the quality to low for the rendering and it has nominal stuttering at 150fps on a GTX 1660ti but I do see the stutter drop me down to 30-60fps.

There are plenty of settings in Process Lasso you can adjust to see if it will improve your gaming… Just make sure your AMD or NVidia apps are set to above normal or high priority as well so they are running fast too.

Still tweaking here so it is getting better for me.
Let us know if this is helpful for you…

further testing with GTX 1660ti results.

NVidia Driver Settings

  • Low Latency Mode = Ultra
  • Image Scaling = 67% (2560x1440), Sharpen 100%
  • Max Frame Rate = 75 FPS (Does not seem to work with War Thunder).
  • Power Mangement Mode = NVidia Driver-controlled
  • Vertical Sync Off

In Game Settings:

  • Advanced Short = No
  • Anisotropy = 16x
  • AA Method = FXAA HQ
  • Cloud Quality in flight = Medium
  • Cloud Quality on ground = 1536
  • Display Mode = Full screen
  • Effects Resolution = LOW
  • Far Terrain Details = Yes
  • Global Illumination Quality = Low
  • Graphics API = D3d 11
  • grass range = 0.1
  • NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency = Boost
  • Particle Density = 0.290
  • Physics Quality = 20
  • Reflection Quality = Low
  • Render Resolution = 70%
  • Resolution = 3840 x 2160
  • Shadow Quality = low
  • Terrain Deformation = high
  • Terrain displacement quality = medium
  • Track Marks = Medium
  • Tree Range = 0.850
  • Upscaling mode = Native
  • Water effects and quality = Low

with these settings. It has been playable with minimal stuttering. If you do Image scaling down to 50%, it improves further.

Guess i gotta update my drivers, thanks!