Game freezes after update

Im updated the new patch seek and destroy, after that i entered the game while looking around nations and new vehicles my game suddenly freezed. cant click anything in the game, after that i closed the game and open again, still same, verified integrity of the game still same and booted my pc still same is someone have same problem?


Like a complete freeze, or does the plane, tank or ship in the background still move around? aka the idle screen


Yes complete freeze but i can move my mouse cursor around the screen but cant click anything.


Hmmm, maybe something with the graphics settings? They did do something with it in the update

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i have the same thing and i had this in the dev serveur allso

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do you have a second screen ?

yes i have.

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Never faced that problem before, but seems weird that this just happen out of the blue. Got any other games that is just as heavy on the PC or heavier, just to rule out it is a PC problem?

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i think its related
in the dev server i was able to go arond the bug by desableing my second screen and closing all window on my pc exept for warthunder but now its not working

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i Got it too

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do you have 2 monitors ?

Yes me too

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yes its the origin of the bug i think

i guess they patch about this problem soon, many people have same problem as far i see.

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i will try to unplug my screen and restarting my pc

i have a similar problem but with the EAC

plase check if you know how to fix it

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but i cant even click on something so i cant change something in game


if i cant Play the game Tomorrow morning my 120 Day Streak loot Boxes is Over


guys if you really want to play
unplug your all yours screen exepte one and restart your pc
i juste did that and it works
and play in full screen windowed

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Hi there. I play on Mac and I don’t find this problem, hoewer every time I start a match, the game automatically bans me from there saying its an Eac (easy anti cheat) thing, someone the same problem??