what to say… Direct X12… game crashes… rtx not working…
ah yes… i love to have 4fps with my rt 3060 and ryzen 5 3600 oc…
when not even playing on medium grapics…
if needed i can give video “evidence”
just sad that Review bombing dint bring anything… after all… a normal team would have said “hey stuff bugged we delay” yes you did… just to push more bugged stuff on the users…
remeber… game play is not earning money… only suffering is…
oh? you can skip 1K hours of gameplay to get to rang 7 or 8? well…
good for you !! yet the players that earn it are “fucked” and yes i know i spend a lot on the game… put the numbers out if ya want gajin idc my point still stands and avareage of rank 6 with buying stuff in ground around rank 5 in air and well basic rank in geli and rank 2 in ships of every kind… spend money yes… played a lot even more yes 5915,8 Hours yes of play time on steam… even more beofe steam