Not only is matchmaking broken. 4 days in a row of only losing teams, which law of probability states should be at least 50%. In addition, shell effect for tanks is broken. I shot a light tank at 50 m with a 192mm HE. No damage at all.
If I had a nickel for every time I saw this exact post, I’d be a billionaire.
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Imagine if you had a nickel for every “my account was unfairly banned I’m not a cheater” post… you’d be a twice billionaire :)
Good then you could hire some devs for Gaijin to fix their fookin’ game.
What exactly is the role of the Community Helpers?
the matchmaking needs an improvement asap, I totally agree. Instead of putting players together by nation, why not use skillbased matchmaking? That way it would be a less of problem that one nation is overpowered on a specfic BR because the tanks that perform better won’t be put in one team only. On top the queue times could be reduced and multiple nations in one squad won’t be a problem anymore.
I have had 4 days of being unable to play due to a bug.I don’t know whether you are lucky or I am.
So… you want Robots instead of Humans ?
This is just a random rant thread, and thats fine but it offers no real Game discussion and does not really offer any valuable feedback, and … so… If I had a nickel for every time I saw this exact post, I’d be a billionaire.
There now I said it…