Gajin market and normal use of the gaijin store on xbox and playstation

probably a lot of people are annoyed by the fact that you have to pay for everything and the prices of premium vehicles are rising, so it is for the gajin market to appear on platforms such as xbox or PlayStation and a lot of people would probably like to have from events where they were not present and I think it will be good the idea of ​​who will want to spend money on this game will spend and the one who does not want to but wants to have golden eagles but does not want to spend money and the pc market is so why not appear on these platforms.

My little finger tells me that GJ would like to be able to … But not necessarily the platforms mentioned.

And that’s not counting the likely technical difficulties.

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they could make it so u have to go to there website and then bye it like u can do with GE already Tho in my opinion .

The console manufacturers stopped the marketplace from going on their platforms.

Also, please use the search funtion. There are already threads explaining this.

They can’t because Sony/Microsoft wants their cut for people accessing the game through their platforms. They force purchases from their respective stores to get that cut.

Sony and Microsoft gives them access to their huge playerbase and a lot of visibility, it’s normal that they would want a cut of the profits that comes from “their” players.

I wouldn’t have been playing this game for so long and invested so much money in it if it wasn’t available on PS4, so Gaijin should thank Sony to have a player like me here.

I also started on Xbox before I transfered my account to PC for the added benefits of having a PC account.

Can’t wait to switch on PC

Its amazing, so much more you can do and mouse and keyboard is avsolutely better than a controller for most things.

And Marketplace!😁 In the mean time I’ll suffer playing on Xbox

Are you able to buy profile icons & titles in the marketplace?

I started playing this game in 2015 on PS4, moved to PC on 2017 and unlinked my account from PSN on the first day that option was available.

I’m considered a full PC player now but I think that all players should have access to the Gaijin Market, and the only thing they needed to do is to give the option to use GE as a market currency. Can’t understand why they still don’t do it, all console players would have to buy GE from Sony and XBox, so everyone wins. Gaijin would earn more from more players in the market, Sony and Microsoft would sell more GE and all players would be happy.

Trophy chests are not a true alternative for console players.

Profile icons yes, titles no.

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Will i have to make a new account to be able to use the Marketplace?

You would have to own a PC account to use the Marketplace. You either create one from scratch or you unlink your XBox account when that option is available.

They should, but the console manufacturers won’t agree to having it.

It isn’t quite that simple because of GE sales/discounts. The use of Gaijin coin gives a solid counterpart that doesn’t change in value. That makes everyone’s money worth the same that way you can’t leverage the system.

Do you know the exact terms of the contract between Gaijin and Sony/Microsoft? Cause I don’t…

What GE sales/discounts? The last GE sale must have been in 2016 or earlier. Gaijin stopped doing GE sales a long time ago, before we even had the Gaijin Market, and PC players buy it from Gaijin, PS players buy it from Sony, Xbox players buy it from Microsoft, everyone gets their cut. Their excuse back then was that you could get GE for free, from GE wagers mostly, but they basically removed them from the game, unless you still have them from the past. It’s much easier to get GJN for “free”, just play an event and sell the coupon in the Market, not to mention the SL lootboxes where you can simply convert SL into GJN with a bit of luck. The difference is that Gaijin gets all the money from GJN from someone and since they have the exclusivity of selling it, they get all the profit and don’t have to share it with anyone(no Sony/Microsoft’s cut).
And how can you say that GJN doesn’t change in value and that it “makes everyone’s money worth the same”, 1GJN=1USD and 1GJN =1EUR but 1EUR>1USD. So GJN doesn’t have the same value for everyone cause it depends on who buys it.

They’ve already given an official response that this is the case.

Discounts like buying 25k GE dollars of GE and paying only $114 USD instead of $165 USD. Some people CAN’T afford that much GE at once and will ALWAYS PAY MORE. That isn’t fair for other people in the system. That also changes the amount a GE is worth. Not consistent.

Gaijin coin is always 1 GJN and it doesn’t change value and you don’t get any discounts on them. They stay the same price for 1 or 5000. Yes, you are correct on the .08 difference in Euros and USD, but that is much less than the difference between the 31% price differences in GE.