Gaijin's double standards - incomming Leopard 2 nerf

BVM is still at 56%, which is the lowest winrate it has seen in years and it’s still high.

you know what happen when you shot the first tank green area? everyone dies
you know what happen when you shoot second one green area? for the ufp a lot of shatter and bounce and when it goes in just 2 crew members at best

56 is a bit different from 76 and more (this will go higher when new players will unlock and spade it)

dont worry, we provided allready a lot off sources which stat otherwise and we could actually getting a tiny buff but whichever change mats it wont come anytime soon

Yeah, 56 is different from the 76 winrates it has had for the better part of 2 years, indeed.

Difference beween NATO and Russia is that NATO gets kicked back down pretty quickly when Gaijin accidentally lets them be good for a while whilst Russia gets to be on top for years, they still have the overperforming BVM, they still have the best SPAA, they still have the Su-25 which is 10x stronger than the A-10 with a hilariously broken damage model whilst the A-10 falls from the sky with the tiniest bit of damage.

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For me it not take more than two shot to finish the job with 2A7V and strv122 left just two crew that mean it already incapacitated that left to be finish off easy LFP are weak spot shoot it they also need to do the same to your Russian tanks too but most of the time shoot the gun any tank die like same ways anyway so that how you kill any tank not only strv/leo

now the sad fact, when you do that to any russian tank he dies in the first shot meanwhile 90% of times leopards survives frontal hits even without spall liner.
The situation is so fucked up just because someone decided adding spall liner to already survivable tank was a good idea, any smart person would have added it to minor nations at best to boost a bit their tanks

want it to be remove? sure remove from all tanks then I can take it that way too

litterally german vt1 pee on pantsir s1, don’t pay attention to range because most of engagements are below 10km with planes, i can agree with a-10 but by nerfing su-25 damage model but making a-10 stronger because those planes are specifically for close combat and need a bit of survivability considering they are slow too

they should remove it from hull sides, the turret and frontal hull are ok to simulate a strong armor on front

nah remove from all tanks in the game at once win-win to everyone oh unless you say T-90M can keep it to balance then your entire argument are total bias and total BS

remove it from sides i think is clear enough, the only spall liner model i can accept is the challenger one, in turret and frontall part of hull

what? I say remove from all tanks at once since problem are from spall liner and now you say keep some area is fine now? because remove it all at once not benefit your Russian tanks isn’t it?

same standard should also apply to T-90M too how about that?

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why everytime you say the same thing? im talking about every tank in game with that damn spall liner, the challenger 2 (A NATION THAT I DON’T PLAY SO NO BIASED) is reasonable because when you shot the side it usually dies like it should be, now maybe like that you can understand TAKE ALL THE TANKS and remove hull side spall liner, is this clear enough now?

Pantsir is still a step up from the other SPAA,.
The A-10 is too weak and a joke and the Su-25 is too strong and a joke.
Then we’re not even talking about the Ka-50s and 2S38 and such.

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