Gaijin, Why your not fixing your game?

as I said before elsewhere: you are the one always defending gaijin, take your meds


You are so right I would never criticize War Thunder or Gaijin.

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Prove that @mm10000 and I defended Gaijin through criticizing War Thunder.
I’ll wait for you to prove that he and I through our criticisms are actually defenses.

@AlvisWisla @Zahltag

I think both of you need to chill down a bit.

Stabbing each other will cause nothing but a derailing shitstorm, I guess.
Oh seems mods shown up

Edit) I thought the PM was on this topic right before I posted this :/

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Please keep discussions constructive and respectful. Avoid personal attacks or dismissive remarks directed at other users.


ok, but please deal with trolls


Where in this post do you feel provoked?
Trolling requires explicit intended provocative language. What language in that statement do you think is provocative?

I think your false accusation is on-topic, but blatantly provocative in and of itself.

Anyone that says differently need to hone their literacy.

no it doesn’t lmao

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That is why we have left a comment… if Moderators are going to be ignored, then they have been warned…


As mentioned… if some do not have something constructive to add, then say nothing at all…

If some have issues with others, then take it to PM…


Alvis, please stop. There is no need for this.
How about PM with him instead?

Fighting in here is causing nothing but derailing.

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Are PMs subject to the rules? Specifically ones related to insults and swears.

Ah yes, you purposely misunderstanding the point of the post is not provocative at all.

It. Was. Never. About. Bugs.

Fixing refered to broken and bland gamemodes, among other things.

So stop trolling. Especially when your follow up is always " but I never defend gaijin", despite openly doing so

this implies I want to have a lenthy discussion which I honestly don’t.