Gaijin, what's the point of adding an ASSTA 3 modification for the ASSTA 1?

What’s the actual point of doing this? It’s honestly ridiculous. Every time Gaijin has added a new Tornado or made changes to a Tornado, it’s always been disappointing. And the Tornado ASSTA 3 is a completely different aircraft, not just some laser-guided JDAM. It uses AIM-9L/I and can even use the IRIS-T, though that’s a bit too advanced. It also has a new cockpit, NVDs. But nope, Gaijin being as lazy as they are will probably just add it as a modification. The only thing they’ll change is a damn laser JDAM. They can’t add a new Tornado for Germany, but they can add the 72nd T-80 for Russia?


It’s just another case of Gaijin showing the most blatant display of bias and prejudice before saying “Teehee! We’re definitely fair!”

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“ASSTA 1” is a placeholder name.
Also you didn’t provide proof any of the ASSTAs are incapable of using JDAMs.

So the new myth is German bias? lol

Says the one calling people names for saying it’s called “ASSTA 1”.
Answer the question and stay on topic.

Nah thanks, mate. She’s right.

Community Bug Reporting System here you go champ

Only ASSTA 3 is LJDAM capable


Thank you. <3

Don’t worry, we will get the Assta 3 or the SLE in like a year or so. As an event vehicle. To ‘test’ the Iris-T. 1 update before 9X and Iris-T and others come to the game.
Of course when this happens, the Assta 3 mod. (the JDAMs) on the Assta 1 will go away, because it is ‘unhistorical’.

We want it as a tech tree vehicle doe? Like The brits get the GR4 give the ASSTA 3 to germany?

Yeah I know, I want it as a TT vehicle too.
It was just a sarcastic remark about a potential future, giving Gaijins track-record of not giving a shit about German aviation
Would be funny if it came to this