Gaijin, what the hell were you thinking giving Russian 45mm Prop Aircraft APHE belts?

Superior British Engineering allows the player to out maneuver or out energy the chaser.

Plus like those 47mm gaurntees a kill on hit.


giving you a like because i love the sarcasm haha.

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Germany has the Hs.128 75mm, Sweden has the T-18B(57), America gets the XB-38, and so forth.

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And the 45mm will fire much faster, on a platform that is harder to hit and easier to aim. A side effect to firing faster is that while a Hs 129 or Ki-109 that gets screwed over by gun dispersion might be forced to pull off after one shot to avoid hitting the ground, the 9K can just shoot more with basically no dispersion.

Scores don’t lie, people aren’t going around getting easy 10 kills with XA-38s or Hs 129s.


People fly the Hs 129 out more than anything, from its br to 7.0

Others are less common as the Xa-38 is premium, and a lot less people play Japan.

Fire rate is irrelevant when the 45mm doesn’t constantly one tap like the 75s or 76s of the other nations.

This is just an anti Russian post

Yes 1 shot capacity with the bigger cannons vs 45mm taking 2-3 shots

Same way people bring out the M22 at every BR.

Yeah because the XP-50 is super rare in Air RB lol

It is actually, because its ONLY disadvantage (post pen damage) is nullified by the fact you can just shoot targets 2 or 3 times while all the ‘big gun’ attackers can only fire once.

And other aircraft with comparable cannons (say, Bf 110 G2 w/ 37mm) have heinous dispersion when firing multiple shots and more importantly, NO APHE. On top of, of course, not being a lightweight, SMALL, agile fighter. Two BR steps for all these upgrades is not enough.


For once Russia actually has something that is overpowered, so no it isnt.

This is nonsense.

The USSR (and especially their aircraft industry) was unable to produce anything remarkable - the side effect of the special treatments of their smartest engineers/designers.

Within WT you see the exception from the rule, the Yak-3 (introduced September/October 1944) placed in Air RB ridiculously low at 4.0/4.3 whilst contemporary German aircraft (G-14, G-10 and K-4) sit at 5.3 and 2 x 5.7.

The aircraft in question here had a questionable service record and was not easy to use but is modelled to please the average USSR pilot, point & click, no dispersion, high RoF, easy follow up shots.

The exact opposite of my experiences with the 50 mm 262 A-1/U4. The 2 AP rounds suck (hits) when hitting an ai tank or even just a small pillbox whilst precise follow up shots are impossible. The 50 mm HE belt is a joke - i managed to score a direct hit center mass on a landed and stationary BI (yes the ridiculously low rocket fighter at 6.7) and i was rewarded with a hit.

So relax - if you need artificial support to have some success whilst playing the game: Be my guest. Just stop denying presented facts - you simply embarrass yourself and you lose your credibility.


I reworked the part regarding the “special treatment” of scientists / engineers as some forum members felt it “offensive” and flagged it. Everybody can google what’s behind this term.I mean that some people feel the need to flag historical facts is typical for this whole thread - denying facts and unable to deal with reality.

I am looking forward for the next “flag attack” - and i am confident that the Forum mods are confirming that this post is within the rules in the ToS.


you only need 1 shot from a 76 or 75, and you can get more off the higher you are.

Germany->Multiple stukas->37mm’s that can do some work if you aim right. 75mm ducks. Several other aircraft are capable of 77 mms of penetration.

Italy is a single aircraft with the largest strapped onto a plane in the game.

Japan has a 75mm meant for bomber hunting to a variable degree of success.

No matter what you state, Russia has only a single Yak-9 with a 45mm. Other nations have more powerful calibers that do work if you know how to aim. At lower Battle Ratings.

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You do realize there’s a lot of out of date / fake / blue print vehicles in every tech tree right?

What about the A-1H?? 6.3 with roughly the same bomb load as a B-17G.

Think before you speak.

But anytime there’s a skill issue a flock appears in the forums.


It takes a single Google search to dunk this claim you wrote. So its ironic you are telling Uncle J to think before he speaks while failing to do the very same thing.


A-1H can carry 15x 500 lb bombs and is pretty maneuverable.

I don’t get you point. As the A-1H can be far more lethal and has 20mm cannons.

The YaK has 1 gun, with what 27 rounds?

They’re not close to the same BR. Stop being dishonest.


Explain how it’s dishonest… because no explanation means you’re in your feelings and not actually basing anything off of fact.

Odd. Just played match at 7.3 and the Germans had a Hs129 and a me262 with the 50mm killing tanks effectively. Crazy. Straight crazy.

The Hs129 is a 2.0

The Yak is a 4.0 for less damage and less pen, it’s only redeeming quality is its turn time.

I have never played the Yak. Nor do intend to, but it’s a bad argument and thus lends itself to more be Russian hate

Otherwise the Do 335 would be in here too

Why? Because Gajin’s devs eat Panzerschokolade.

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No clue what you’re referring to but ok. Also that’s just German crack.

flies like a brick. Isn’t a fighter.

6.7 plane.

The Yak with APHE sees 3.0, is a fighter aircraft, and can frontally penetrate heavy tanks at its own tier frontally.


The Hs129 sees 1.0s, your point?