Gaijin, what the hell were you thinking giving Russian 45mm Prop Aircraft APHE belts?

There’s a difference between a cannon like that being on a small fighter plane, and one being on a heavy and cumbersome twin engine aircraft.

The APHE makes the Yak-9K unbelievably good, and it should either move up, or be removed.


Removed? lol it’s not fake like the Tiger 2 105mm

That 45mm has as much HE filler than the main gun of the Pz 4 H. It can absolutely one-shot tanks.

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Have you flown the Hs 129? It literally falls out of the sky without anyone needing to bother to shoot it. The enemy AA doesn’t need to shoot you, because turning to get your gun lined up with a tank might just be enough to push you into the ground. Hence why it’s such a low BR despite the gun.

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Sit down people. Let me tell you about something called ‘SPAA’.

inb4: ‘waaahh but 45mm can nuke my SPAA from orbit’ - no one told you to sit in spawn out in the open with your SPAA. It’s an ‘SPAA’, move your butt to a good cover from which you can take out planes without reply.


Just because there’s counterplay doesn’t mean something’s balanced. We’re comparing this thing to other CAS around that BR and finding it significantly more capable, to a margin where it needs to be changed.


Xa38 has a 75mm that can UFP the panther, and kill its whole crew.

The Hs129 can do the very same.

45mm APHE is fair, not unbalanced.


Those are both large twin engine aircraft that have poor flight performance.

Not on a Yak-9, which is a smaller and overall decent fighter platform.


I don’t know what the Xa38 is and I don’t feel like opening the game to check, so I won’t comment on it.

The Hs 129, once again, falls out of the air. It was explicitly designed to fly using the worst, cheapest, most lawnmower-style engines locally available, and that’s very clear when you fly it. It’s actually one of the few CAS planes in the game where the average tank player (not just SPAA) has some counterplay, sheerly because it’s so slow and unwieldy that you can fairly easily shoot it with a tank cannon, and even if you miss if you nick the very edge of the engine with a single MG round it’ll still be enough damage to its flight performance to send it very slowly tumbling to the ground (slowly in this case because it beings crashing immediately, but in much the same way a very tall tower does - with a great deal of time to watch the fall). It feels like a flying tank when you use it, and not in the advantageous way that involves surviving being shot.


So is my TU-1 but you don’t see me complaining

Do you mean to say the Yak-9K, a nimble single engine fighter, is just as well balanced as the large two-engine strike aircraft that’s over a full BR over it despite having, I believe, the same AT gun?


Nearly double the cannon size, higher pen, M61: 63.7g explosive mass, higher velocity, higher pen.

XA-38 isn’t as easy to turn as the Yak-9k but it’s still not bad in the slightest, especially with combat flaps a it’s also at 3.7

Read em’ and weep

Your extremely anti-Russian it seems.

But it’s on a quite large twin engine plane. Just being that cumbersome prevents you from taking vertical shots, or going after any enemy CAS. Not having access to vertical shots really limits what a plane can do. The Yak can easily pen the roof armour of anything, while that thing wouldn’t even get a shot on the roof in the first place.

It just isn’t as good as a Yak-9K, and acting like it is, is just disingenuous.

The Me-410 with the 50mm also exists, but the cannon and platform are both much worse than the Yak.


Your extremely anti-Russian it seems.

That’s certainly one perspective to take in comparing the two of us. On the other hand, I can very easily say that, in the 3-4 topics I’ve noticed you in, you have exclusively represented one nation, and have done so to the last breath without ever conceding a detail or point unless doing so is directly advantageous to Russia, balance-be-damned.


You really need to play the xa38

Uh oh lookout another large cannon on a plane. I wish I had the event one too

A plane with poor performance and a whopping 15 rounds of ammo in a not particularly accurate gun.

Once again, you are denying the manoeuvrability advantage of the yak. It is a fighter plane with a big cannon, not an attacker/light bomber.


I am usually balanced but Russia already gets nerfed all the time due to “player opinion” and skill issues.

So yes as of recent, people like you make me defend it’s more. Cause and effect, while also being factual

It’s 2.0 tho it’s OP

It doesn’t have very good flight performance.

You are deliberately understating the yak, and ignoring what it does have, while overstating the Xa-38.