Gaijin, what the hell were you thinking giving Russian 45mm Prop Aircraft APHE belts?

You should strive for a career as comedian.

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If I remember right that APHE round has something like 200 grams of explosive filler.

Gaijin decided that any APHE round over 170 grams of TNT equivalent has overpressure flags turned on, therefore makes sense that the Ki-109’s 75 mm APHE would have overpressure.

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This doesn’t really matter, it’s just the designation on the belt. The round in the game is very much APCR and coded as such.

But I guess the belt designation is still wrong so you can bug report it if you want. I’m just saying it doesn’t actually change anything.

Sadly i can only agree with you. But once its fixed and all the german planes get their missing modification to equip it, it will be quite nice. (Bf 109, Bf 110, Me 410, Do 17, Hs 129 are some for example)


I know, but it wasnt primarily about that.

Only one of the planes considered actually oneshot the Tiger E. Of the ones that didn’t, they all have much lower RoF than the 45mm which makes accurate follow-up shots harder, not counting the 109 F-4’s terrible APIc and gunpods. Some don’t even have APHE so each crewmember/ammo requires being hit.

So why even mention it? The 45mm still has higher RoF, lower dispersion, and is on a better platform than the closest competitor, the german 50mm.

IIRC it’s 470g, which is incredibly silly. Shame they never put it on a Ki-102 or something that isn’t a medium bomber.

Wasn’t the 109 F-3 specifically like the F-4 but still using the 15mm due to lack of 20mm MG151s? Would make for a good fighter one step lower than the F-4.

No, the F-3 was a F-1 with DB 601E engine and maybe bigger propeller iirc, but also not build. Tho overall the Bf 109 F-4s Engine cannon could be choosen by the Pilot to use 15mm or 20mm, so also via modification the in game F-4 could get 3x 15mm Mg 151/15.

I wonder why I’m the only one who have provided any in battle results.

If there are other planes like Jak-9UT it should be easy to do the same in them.

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Ah, I see.

I think that a 15mm 109 F4 would be best as a separate vehicle though, since it would be dropped by a BR step like eminem’s Yak 3.

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You keep glancing off our points as though it helps prove your own. To state it as clearly and unambiguously as I can, the issue with the Yak-9K that makes it so strong is the combination of an easy to use, high damage main gun and flight performance that rivals single engined of the BR.

Bringing up extremely heavy and unwieldly single engined planes as though they’re comparable to the Yak just because they share the single engined layout is absurd. The A-1H is a IL-2 level boat if you even attempt a vertical loop, and the A-2D is a turboprop (which may not even count as a single engined vehicle technically). They (and other CAS aircraft with similar levels of potential damage) lack the fighter level flight performance that the Yak has.

You also point to other gun CAS with similar tank busting ability, even when said guns are either incredibly awkward to use due to a slow rate of fire, or are saddled to aircraft that make the careful aim and adjustments needed for gun CAS very difficult. Their guns aren’t as consistent or easy to use.

No other plane gets both, and those that get close in terms of damage capability pay for it with excessive vulnerability due to a large size, bad flight performance or both. That’s what makes the Yak exceptional.


Me262 Pulk… ? Does it not exist, and does the same exact thing, but better?

You just chose to ignore the fact that heavier strike fighters are more potent.
Idk, maybe. But unlikely that they would add such as a seperate vehicle.

Well, good sir. You seem to be quite the plane user, and have good stats, so you fly the others and show us how it goes.

You should be able to have far better stats in all the planes I mentioned if you can get 7 kills in a Yak. It’s only logical

I am a better tanker than pilot.
Although I can deal good damage with a lot of planes

This is one of the big reasons I wish the APHE changes had gone through. The reason it is so much better than other aircraft with large autocannons is the APHE round, which basically nukes the whole crew as long as one round is able to penetrate. With autocannons firing solid shot or HVAP, you need to score multiple penetrating hits most of the time.

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Better, sure. But that’s 6.3 while the Yak-9K gets 4.3. A-1H is also 6.3 and the A2D is 7.0, so the 9K is once again the odd one out.

And even then, the 262 has a worse gun.

Potent at what? We’ve already established that their slow-firing guns are barely any better in single shot damage (if at all), and they all fire slower.

You choose to ignore the fact that the 9K is always the most favored in almost any comparison. There’s already a 45mm-equipped heavy fighter, and despite its poor flight performance it sits at 4.7.


I could frame this.

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I agree in concept, but in practice I voted against it out of worry about Gaigin’s implementation. If done well it would have been an improvement, but I had little faith that the way they went about it would be better than the current system.

At a substantially higher BR. And I’d even question saying it does it better, the gun has less post pen damage, and around half the rate of fire.

In terms of flight performance, it’s heavier and more sluggish than the nippy Yak, making it slower to make the nessesary corrections to it’s aim. It’s also much faster, which is a double edged sword here, as it gives you less time in each attack run to get your aim right before you slam into the ground. Combined with the slower rate of fire and worse agility, you have less time to correct your aim and fewer attempts each run.

You also lose the .50s, meaning that in dog fights you’re relying on the 50mm entirely, which can be awkward to aim at the best of times and eats into your ability to strike ground targets.

At the tier? Not really. Even your unrealistically pessimistic 7 kill game would be exceptional for any strike aircraft anywhere near 4.3.

It’s only when you massively raise the tier, and compare it against vehicles that are balanced around being much more capable (and facing more serious SPAA/CAP) that it seems balanced.

And again, they pay for this advantage in size and agility. Heavy strike aircraft are comparably easy pickings for SPAA and CAP, meaning that they only get to leverage any advantage they have in potency if left entirely alone. The Yak is not so limited, able to dogfight other planes and engage SPAAs with more confidence due to it’s small size and agile flight performance.


The 262 doesn’t have a worse gun. You also didn’t factor in the Xa-38

In absolutely ideal conditions any of these can get mass kills.

I just played the Yak at 8.7 as my buddy is grinding Germany, and guess how many kills I got? 2.
One was a rookat, that I hit a perfect side shot on, the second was a helicopter. But then, oh wait, aa appeared and enemy cas did.

This my perfect scenario became a grim one. Also, I gotta ask since I don’t know, does the flacon have some sort of tracking? Because it fired one round and it was a perfect hit.

I would still say the yak is very situational at best, meanwhile bombs are the more effective and realistically reliable weapon. I can get 4 bombs off accurately and get kills with less effect on my plane, while having rear gunners.

Also, every shot except the first will be wayyy off-target, similar to the Bf 110 G2’s 37mm gunpod. So follow-up shots are very iffy as well.

A point he keeps deliberately ignoring.

Lower rate of fire, greater dispersion on follow-up shots, less postpen. Its only advantage is carrying +3rds and having more pen (but you’re attacking roofs and sides/rear, so not like it matters).

Again, as you keep DELIBERATELY IGNORING, that is not comparable to the Yak-9K as it is not a fighter. It has much lower rate of fire anyway (~3s reload) and postpen damage isn’t much better.

It is comparable to the Su-8, which sits at 4.7 with these same 45mm guns.

And again, the advantage of the Yak-9K is that it never needs ideal conditions. You have secondary guns and a fighter airframe to deal with enemy aircraft. The 9K is a very small plane even by fighter standards so getting hit by AA is harder than ANY of the twin engine aircraft mentioned, including the 262.

This doesn’t prove anything.

Then you’re just bad and there’s no two ways about it. You click on people and they die, it’s just that simple.