Gaijin What intentions do you have with high -level Russian aviation?

Telling it clearly Russia to Top Tier is suffering a lot, in addition to the poor Su-27 to 13.0 which is bully from Fox 3, also its cousins ​​out of 34, MIG-29SMT, and the brother on 27SM do not pass it very well, given that The Forx 3 Russians are not competitive, compared to the NATO counterpart, in terms of range, also if they are lucky to survive a missile, ha A relatively short window to shoot his missile, and then he will find himself having to compete in dog Fight with clearly better means, see Rafale and EF-20000, against which there is no competition. Of course, every now and then you find some inexperienced or distracted players and some killing takes her home, but overall the Russian mouse Tier now as they are not up to the height of competing. Having said that Gaijin you intend to do to balance things? How long will I have to play only NATO means since using the Russians is a constant exploding and trying to escape from missiles?


Gaijin its taking the long road adding “useless” model that don’t fit the game or meta. 27sm is a perfect example. Better models exist than that thing. Like Su-30m2. Next patch they will add the Su-30SM. A lot of people are hype about it. But this thing just could end being another 27sm. The game already move to better thing. Maybe gaijin cook something. But I’m not hype for it. Just waiting to see how they will model that thing TVC. But how the instructor work and how you need to disable via changing the game control mode. Its just not really appealing. Because you don’t have much “control” over the Realistic setting.

Also i don’t think a new missile would help that much. Unless gaijin finally fix R–77. But how they have Refuse to fixed it. Just like they refuse to fix Su-27sm for like a years… The situation its just hopeless. Like Seriously if they can’t model well the Advantage of the missile. Why even model or take into account the disadvantage off it.

We will be lucky if we see something like Su-35s at the end of the year.

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How many planes are left to add for russia?
I think that there’s maybe 3-5 air frames left then it’s all the variation’s that need to get added.
(or paper planes but that might be in 2-4 years)

Im going to type it again " welcome to modern warfare. "

If we are being realistic
Su-30SM (this update), Su-30SM2, Su-35S and Su-57
Could add some one offs in between but those are my guesses.
I’d love to see the MiG-31BM added in there at some point.

Given the soviet dominance of the Mig-23MLD and then Mig-29. its quite nice to see soviets not dominating something for a change. But they’ll probably get an EFT/Rafale equivalent next major update and it will probably be cracked in some way.

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But this is precisely the principle, there should be no dominance, but a balance, because this is a game not reality, and even in reality I have serious doubts there are these disparities.

I mean, we’re reaching a point where anything newer is starting to be either fully classified or be different from previous versions/planes only by technology not represented within the game.

Even R-77’s suffer from that already, because the game engine can’t handle the variable drag they have IRL, same goes for stand-off weapons like the glide bombs because of the 20km POI designation limit

Not sure if the inability to lock with radar and EO at the same time is a technical limitation or a balancing measure, but if it’s the former then imagine how pointless adding something like Su-57 would be, which is supposed to have multiple radars.

When it comes to technology, wanting and power, because if you are a company that has a realistic game that comes to the point of needing certain weapon systems, you must have the technology that allows you to do it, and if the system adopted so far It went well and now no longer, then the answer is simple, the technology is changed in order to get what you want. Closing the flaws has always been a temporary system, because sooner or later the problem is presented again, and we have the practical example right now.
How will Gaijin do to fix these details that make the difference? I have no idea, but it is necessary that they do it, or the community will continue to bring these problems to the surface, and last for them for a long time it is never a good idea. rather I would prefer a copy and paste, so at least it would be fought on the same level

In any case, to respond to your quote on classified weapon systems, I think it is not a disadvantage, indeed it is perhaps help because at that point ignorance saves you, and you have a margin of creativity and therefore of balance,

Realistically? Quite a lot, actually.

The modern Sukhois (Su-30SM, Su-30SM2, Su-35S and Su-57. Maybe one-offs prototype such as Su-37, but I doubt for IIRC it wasnt armed, but it iconic enough, so…)

More MiGs, both naval and regular variants (29M (9-15), 29KR (9-41R), 29KUB (9-47), MiG-35)

The interceptor line (Su-15, Tu-128, MiG-25 and MiG-31 (including in different modifications))

Bombers (if Gaijin ever gonna add Cold War strat bombers)