Gaijin please include lower tier vehicles in Sim brackets

So Ground Sim isn’t historical but BR based. I know that. But why aren’t players even allowed to use historical lineups in Sim? The other day (ok actually like a month ago) there was a BR 7.7 Sim. So cool, an M48A1, M103, and M41A1- relatively realistic 1950s lineup fighting relatively realistic T-54s, T-10M, and PT-76B. But then the M41A1 wasn’t available for Sim, the only American light tank allowed is the T92. Go over to the Soviets, hoping to at least use them- they’re only allowed the Object 906. Why Gaijin? Why not even let us play historically accurate vehicles in ground simulator at a disadvantage? If ground sim is just ground RB with no mixed teams and no UI why even have allowed vehicles at all and not just use BRs as normal? Really why even have the mode at all?


Simulator at all is a almost dead gamemode and usually only experienced players play that gamemode. Groundsim is more dead than Airsim. For Groundsim they dont change anything at all, bc of the playerbase. The majority plays arcade or realistic. For sim players is the gamemode to boring, not bc of historical accuracy, its bc of the controls. Its to simple for a lot of players.

For me its boring bc the maps are to small and as you said the vehicle brackets. Have to wait 3 days to be able to play my br bracket is sad. And there are plenty of people who wish that sim gets and refreshing rework, but gaijin isnt do anything in that direction bc lack of playerbase.

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Then the obvious solution shouldn’t be to go play ground rb ? 🤔