Gaijin please implement some sort of auto join SA severs for people in the Asia region

I always see Chinese players in the USA server anytime of the day, while from 6AM-1PM New Zealand / GMT+13 the SA servers are completely dead. I have to wait 10min+ to get in game filled with bots just so I dont have to play on a 280 ping.

I think this will benefit everyone. USA players wont have to deal with lag because of all the Chinese players. And people who want to play in SA severs due to high ping will be able to find a game any time of the day, unlike right now where the game is dead for 1-3rd of the day.


There is a much better idea than this, and it is my suggestion:


War Thunder is not counterstrike. Chinese players can play on US server and not have red ping. I live in Australia and prefer playing US server, so 210ping to US server, 120 if I play SEA server. Since this is not counter strike, and we have things such as vehicle traverse, roll/yaw, etc, it doesn’t matter either way. It’s only if you’re trying to play on servers with ping well into the red that it could be an issue. Let people play the server they want to play, don’t try shoehorn people into one server or another. Also, if you’re getting 280 ping to US server from New Zealand - that means you have international routing issues. Choose a better ISP, or if you have a good one - send in tracerts to War Thunder’s US servers and they should help you. I used to have 280, but then changed my ISP (went from Superloop to Launtel) and my ping reduced to 250, and then worked with my ISP to get it down to 210 - only took a couple emails. Trickiest part was getting the IP for the US servers, but there are plenty of guides out there on how to get them.


Yet the NA server has become North Asian Server and don’t give me that ping doesn’t matter stuff, when I can SEE the CN tank jittering, the aircraft lagging around. Because they have a high ping, they have a SEA server they can be on with less ping.

The issue is that SA region players cant use multiple servers with disabling SA.


If I haven’t mentioned to you before, good choice of name, I like it.

That is not how it works. If you’re seeing tanks jittering then its a problem on your side. Even if someone has a bad connection his movements will look normal on your side, jittering is only visible on client side.


As an Australian player I just miss the option of selecting both US and SA servers at the same time. I don’t care which one I connect to, I just want to get in a game faster due to limited free time.

Yeah. I cant get sub-8min naval queues without disabling SA.