what lmao why bro gaslighting on the wt forums. at least try to defend your point
I already did
your point was that the 2pl and 2a5 should get 5s reload, with the only reason for it being that you thought it was underperforming due to lack of LWS, am i correct?
Like it is the only NATO 120 guns that reload slower and why’s that not have a good armor or other advantage like laser warning or active protection or 50 cal or engine smoke or proximity shell also the gun depression nearf could get you killed from the side if someone shoots your engine
Laser warning is on russian and israeli MBT’s, both of which are severely lacking in mobility, and also with the russian MBT’s lacking in armament and the israeli MBT’s being made of essentially paper when facing any KE round. i think the fact that these tanks have a slight advantage in LWR is balanced out with them being bad in some aspects.
And as for the lack of 50 cal and engine smoke, .50 cal isn’t overpowered and neither is engine smoke as high gen thermals can see through it
A tank like the leopard is still extremely good without LWR, purely because excellent mobility, armament and arguably good armour
The balance issues between the Leopard 2A5/2A6/PSO and the 2A7V can be fixed by raising the 2A7V/Strv 122/etc. up in BR and keeping the 2A5/2A6 where they are right now. They don’t need buffs, you need to get better at the game.
Merkava is the hardest mbt to kill and have the best hard kill active protection system and the 5 seconds eaced reload
hardest MBT to kill? do you even play toptier? the only time anyone has trouble killing it is with chemical energy rounds or with helicopters. otherwise its extremely weak in terms of armour.
the 2a5/2a6 is balanced at 12.0, while the PSO needs to have its realistic armour model implemented since it’s essentially a heavier 2a5 ATM
meanwhile abrams staring at you, confused as to what the hell your talking about
-1, the leopards are considered the best MBTs in the game (including the strv 122Bs which obviously are leopards.)
If they get 5 second reloads, then CR1s, CR2s, Arietes, Merkavas, etc (those without DM53) need 4 second reloads
2PL could get a better reload tbh, since Gaijin seems adamant about not giving it DM53 and/or not fixing DM43, plus the tank by itself is already straight up worse than every Abroomz at its BR, the rest i.e 2A5/6/PSO don’t need better reload, they’re good as is.