Gaijin makes Germany Useless

Hi, so I saw the new update, and I’m a German player for a long time, I’m in rank VIII, and I feel like gaijin pissing of German players because now the put the Leopard2A7HU into the Italian tech tree which is a bit better 2A7, and my biggest problem is Germany had the only reason to grind is the good 2A7, but now they put that to Italy where are the good IFVs already here like the Centauro, or the Lynx. The fact that Germany use a better Puma with 2 spike missile
But gaijin not putting that to the game to Germany for unknown reasons. In the past updates Germany literally got nothing, nothing good except Aplha jet because it’s not a bad thing, but for ground they got nothing, and that’s makes me sad,because the only reason to grind German top tier is gone, because now Italy was more powerful. I don’t have a problem with that just I don’t feel right to put better sub trees into tech trees and balance the thess tech trees with other nations stuff, bc these tech tree grinders start to feel their nations useles and, it’s make your grind worthless expecially if the other tech tree have better IFVs and tanks overall and get a big buff, but that’s worse basicly almost every nation have the F-16 now France getting it too, but Germany will be the only one who get an outdated bad F-4F ICE on that BR which will be the slowest and worst and will have the worst manouver capabilities, but I hope it will be better in CAS. I’m feeling like Gaijin wants to balance the tech trees but putting other nations top tier makes the original nation grinding useless mostly in Germany where in top tier you only have the Leopard2A7 untill gaijin not put into the game a better leopard or a better puma with spike or anything which can help the German tech tree to be better again because if somebody wants to get good MBTs ofc grind Italy.


The most obvious reason: It’s still in development.
Every German vehicle is good.
Italy is not more powerful than Germany, that’s not how having one equivalent tank works.


Yes, but they put the rank VIII German top tier MBT to an another tech tree so basicly it’s better to grind Italy instead of Germany because now they have better top tier with the same upgraded tanks, but then Germany got nothing to prove their top tier still worth to grinf

They don’t have a better top tier.


I mean, the 2A7HU going to italy should have been expected when hungary became it’s sub-tree
Ariete isn’t terrible but it’s certainly lacking compared to other top tier MBTs so they did need this

If you want to abandon an entire tech tree because of 1 single vehicle that was going to be a premium if it went to germany eitherway, that’s up to you
It’s not like the Italians gets to bring multiple leopards tho compared to Germany and Sweden
They get 1 chance with it or 2 with back-up

Sweden brings 122B+, 122B PLSS, 122A, 2A6 (4 tanks)
Germany brings A7V, PSO, A6, A5, 2 PL and 2A4M (6 tanks)
If all of these are ignored because of 1 single A7HU in italy, than idk what to tell ya


Imagine how US players feel seeing other nations constantly get the better versions of their own vehicles or have them tt while ours are just event for some reason

AV-8B, Sabredogs, regular Sabres, F-104s, F-15Js, M8 LAC, etc. all of these planes were in service with the US or had a US equivalent, but were not added because. Which is ridiculous! As sad as copy paste is (I hate it with every bone in my body), it affects a lot of people. Not just Germany.


Sweden having the best Leopards, Italy getting the same top tier one, also getting the better Puma version in the KF41, France getting Leopards and now Germany is getting A PHANTOM AS A TOP TIER JET lmao… enjoy grinding out hundreds of thousands of RP in a Phantom at top tier using 2 Aim-9Ls.



Very arguable

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Germany doesn’t even get the Spikes in the first place, Ahead non functional and in general a useless vehicle that is about to get even worse when it’s going to get cramped with modules so it’s one feature of being difficult to kill is gone and it either gets one shot or becomes the ultimate repair simulator with this barebones and primitive repair system in game.

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Best armor =/= best overall.

Considering they’re borderline the same tanks aside from that.

The KF41 is far inferior to the PUMA its ‘APS’ just lights itself on fire. It has much less armour then the PUMA and its turret is inferior. Spikes are not even that good and the PUMA is at 10.0 vs 10.7. The spikes are not worth the 0.7 increase.

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Yes, Germany is probably due a upgraded PUMA. But I would like to point out that Germany got the PUMA 2 years ago. Britain and Israel are only getting PUMA equivalent IFVs this very update. The reason why PUMA with Spikes probably hasnt come yet is because they’ve been developing stuff for one of the other 9 nations in game. Germany gets a constant stream of very good additions and has by far one of the strongest ground and naval trees. Only really air is a bit weak, but less so because they’ve not added anything (Germany did have some of the best jets last year) but rather that Germany is in a bit of a deadzone when it comes to available aircraft. Just like many nations were last year.

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My favorite plane is the M8 LAC

Yeah that’s my bad, but I more meant vehicles.

Although I’m sure the M8 would make a great plane, since a single 37mm and a 12.7 is a pretty good armament.

This wouldn’t be half bad if Germany got another 2A7 in the form of the A7+, fixed the PSO to have hull spall liners and D-tech inserts since it’s based on the 2A6EX hull. They should also fix the PUMA, AHEAD (soon), MUSS and Spikes. New top tier SPAA like the Skyranger 30 and other domestic Boxer IFVs to make Germany unique and somewhat relevant again.

I don’t mind it when other Leopards go to other nations like Italy/Hungary since it really needed it, I really don’t. But it’s annoying having to deal with half-baked or broken vehicles all the time.


Yeah lol

Another issue with Spikes on KF41 (as well as on Vilkas) is that launchers don’t have adjustable elevation, so minimal distance at which you can use missiles is too high in many situations.


Very true.