Gaijin did not add the fuze settings they promised on the roadmap

Gaijin promised the ability to be able to set the fuze for fragmentation, high explosive and radio shells. Now you can only turn it to impact or fuze! There still is no good way to set the fuze distance and thus still making any FlaK cannon useless like the VFW or FlaK Sfl


They did, you need to assign the key under ground/vechicles/fuse settings


bro i did. it only changes the fuze setting to impact which doesn’t change anything because even with it off my shells explode on impact. I still can’t set the range manually for the airburst fuze.

I think you misunderstood it saying that you can turn the fuze on and off

cause the axis powers didnt have those kinds of fuzes irl, when they found out after ww2 they were surprized by it

if it was only the part of “enabling/disabling radio fuzes” then you would be right, but it definitely talks about the settings of high explosive and fragmentation shells

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some people claim that germany was developing proximity fuzes as well but apart from that this is not about that. this is about gaijin fixing the way the fuze range is set on airburst shells for FlaK cannons. atm you can only do this by using the ranging button and then you need to get it on the plane which is nearly impossible and useless as the plane flies out of the set distance very quickly