Gaijin Christmas gift

Tiger 10.5, Panther II and Coelian should come back for Christmas like how Maus does.

Nobody should approve of gate keeping, there’s hundreds of thousands of players that want them back, but Gaijin is religiously against any of these German vehicles or any others, if you (Gaijin) do not want to add them back for good, then at least let the players that care about them, to be able to research them for such a big event like Christmas.

Just for context on what’s happening, Ho-Ri Production is a totally fake tank and Japan features also an F16 that never existed, it was given to them just because “Japan needed it”, this is the highest level of hypocrisy that I’ve ever seen.

You either allow paper vehicles or you do not, Maus is apparently “hard to balance” - yh like you even tried ; E100 is totally bad modeled and gate keeped behind a 1000$ price tag, which sorry but is disgusting, DISGUSTING.

Hmmm, let’s see…The Soviet Union (Russia) features like uhhh…20 prototypes? Apparently just because some half built Russian prototype was found in some barn nearly completely decayed, it’s completely Historical Accurate somehow. Either you allow only mass produced vehicles for being into the game, or you allow everything that had a design and a strong enough incentive to be built.

There’s the people that say “But its not historical accurate!!!”, its not historical accurate uh? Look at the Tiger II and Maus fighting with 1955s tanks and 1960 jets, look at the many other “historically accurate” tanks that are supposed to at least fight against 1940s tech, but this is not the case at all, so the game is in no way accurate and it can’t be, but there are still people that religiously believe that “Gaijin never adds fake vehicles”, pretty much all of the missiles at top tier have totally made up specifications for the most part anyway

So it will be very appreciated, if at least Gaijin will add these vehicles back for Christmas for a limited time to be researched like how Maus is, let the people that care, to get them!


I agree!!


Unfortunately I believe Gaijin thinks $70 packs are good enough.


Christmas without Tiger 10.5, Panther II and Coelian is like kissing a beautiful girl through a thick pane of glass and then hear her tell you that she is leaving you because she found a guy she can kiss without glass between them. And you sit there sad and then you fart and follow through because you had a dodgy curry last night and there is no paper anywhere to clean yourself up, only glass around you. Endless glass.


Life without Tiger 105 is a nightmare! 😞

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That’s the mods. Excuse me, “Volunteers”. Not that I care that much. Now to the context of this thread.

THEY AREN’T COMING BACK. Reasoning why->Look for the other block that wants it but give a summarized response: Did not exist in any legitimate state.

Ho-Ri and R2Y->Gun, chassis for the R2Y->Aircraft and Jet Engines were sold separately.

But they are so cheap!

To add the salt on the wound, there are hundreds of vehicles (event, premium, TT) that older players including me have that new players will never have. There are thing like IS 7 that I will never have.

I’m kinda OK with that.

And between you and me, these are not all that great vehicles in the 1st place. Replacements are usually better.

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m109g, m41 and zerstorer doing so fire! Even EuropeanCanadian has said that Germany is lacking in this area and that they need to add these vehicles BACK

One hour after I posted this topic lol

Mmmm, AI written posts.
Japan’s losing their fake vehicles, and an F-16 with the config we see in-game flew in Japan.

Germany also isn’t lacking.
Panther 2 is 7.0, so it goes in the 7.7 lineup.
Same with Tiger 105.
Coellian was replaced with Kugelblitz and Ostwind II.

Soviets have zero equipment in War Thunder equivalent to Tiger 2 105 and Panther 2.

i just wanna research some of the rocket planes as they look fun :/
without experimental tanks, many tanks would be removed from the game (including the new tigers and ostwind)

-1, I’d rather not see more of these fake vehicles roaming the streets. They never existed in prototype.

there are a lot of paper vehicles in the game right now, it wouldnt hurt if a tiger 105 or panther 2 joined them.


Germany is lacking a 7.0 and 7.3 lineup. Tiger 105 and Panther could both fit in a 7.0/7.3 with the Kugelblitz.

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There’s actually not that many, Japan has the last remaining paper vehicles that have yet to be replaced.

doesn’t change my point, there still are a lot of paper vehicles in the game, and 2-3 more wont hurt.

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All I know is, KT 10.5 is fantastic and my preferred vehicle over the Panther 2 and Maus. It went up to 7.0 and got that lovely reload buff. Just a dream to use. I wouldn’t say no to bringing it back for those missed out on it. If they can do it for the Maus, why not the beloved 10.5? Might even help German winrates around that BR, because it can get pretty rough when you’re not playing in a squad.

and it doesnt even have to be permanently because people go aflames for whatever reasons like trolling or outright hating the nation in question

Imagine if tiger 105, a tank from a simple game were to be added back


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You say this because you already owned it lol think of people who got the game late post-removal, I know it’s nice to keep them exclusive, but that’s selfish bro


he’s commenting on every topic about them, i only said that they could come for Christmas for maybe like 2-3 days to be allowed research like Maus, logically they should come back for good, but DUDE at least let us have them 1 day of the year or so