Gaijin! Can you add something for USA too for once except premiums?

It definitely happens to other tanks. My point is that it isn’t happening as easily and as often as the Abrams is all. Rear end side shots are disabling the breach and that simply shouldn’t be happening. You have the tools to see for yourself. I know I have used this tool and even recorded it and posted about it. If you don’t want to do the work to see yourself then I’m sorry but you’re opinions mean nothing to anyone. Take the Abrams into damage simulator in hangar and fire any shells you want to see how many shots are hitting the breach at different angles and then do the same on other tanks. It won’t take but 5 minutes to prove my point.

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XM1108 with advanced chaparral_02
XM1108 with advanced chaparral_03

Also available on wheels:
M1047 with advanced chaparral_01

Note that it appears you could carry up to 4 Hellfire, not just 2.

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