Gaijin and modern NATO armor

I mean true, but within the bounds of publicly available information, there are still arguments to be had about protection (of which I think its clear that DU in the hulls of Abrams was done).

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What a prime example of double standarts

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Sources for the SEP and SEPv2 stated turret and hull armor upgrades. It may have been intentionally gimping the Abrams from the beginning but now I think after their devblog it’s a pride issue on their part. They can’t back down now.

Show them.

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GA0750 I No. 17

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Good plan.

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I repeat: Show it.

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On second thought you are right. I have seen new sources that state the M1 Abrams family went through zero armor upgrade programs throughout its life. All DU packages were for space constraints in the armor to provide better load distribution on the front suspension system by moving the CG backwards. No armor improvements in terms of KE or CE were noticed. Due to budgetary constrictions many advanced materials originally present in the M1s have been removed, significantly reducing armor protection in all M1s.

Sources: NROC 385 page 2.
FY 2007 budget justification Item 14.

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This guy… AGAIN. I don’t know whether to feel sorry for you or just laugh.

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I’ve asked you to show me the relevant sources twice now.

If you’re unable to show evidence which supports your position, I’ll simply qoute: ‘‘That which is asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence’’.

This isn’t about armor, but if you want to help the U.S tech tree Abrams’ firepower, support this bug report!

KEW-A2 for M1A1 AIM, its historical shell and analogue to M829A2.


Minor correction, AIM uses KE-W which is a Tungsten variant of the M829A1, KE-W A1 is an export version of the German DM43(A1).


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M829A3 wouldn’t be added because every Russian tank that’s not T80BVM,T90M,T72B3 would be F.

I’d rather them not do that and keep it at 11.3 where it can capitalize on down tiers bette

On second thought I don’t really care if its 11.3 or 11.7 if it gets the dart

So they should add m829a4? That way everyone is F

M1A1 AIM is far better than M1A2-SEP-SEPV2 somehow, i’ve played them all and its really better.

So it gets to 11.7 wouldn’t matter.

No? M829A3 is enough at this moment, they should’ve added it with SEPV2 with TROPHY but Nuh Uh.

Really? What does the aim have over the SEP/SEPv2?

Also I was make joke about m829a4

Anything that’s M1A1 is better, the turret ring is thicker than any other A2.

Interesting, didn’t know that.