Fw 190 V32/U2

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I would like to sugges the Fw 190 V32/U2 which is a redesigned Ta 152 H-0 with Jumo 213E instead of the Jumo 213F of the other H-0 series, which were delivered to the Geschwader Staf of JG 301 in early 1945.

This specific Fw 190 V32/U2 would be similar to the allready in game Fw 190 D-12, however would have 1 enormes improvement, the armarment, as it was the other test plane along a Bf 110 that was fitted with a 20 / 30 mm Mg 213C as a Motorkanone with at least 200 rounds.

The Mg 213C was a late war development in form of a Revolver cannon, which followed the requirements of the 1000x1000 Gun.
The 1000x1000 requirement were a gun with a fire rate of at least 1000 rpm and 1000 m/s, which were successfully reached and even topped with the 20mm Mg 213C, which after the war also was pretty much directly copied over by the allies in form of Aden, Defa, M39 and more.

The gun was to be universally usable as fixed armarment against Ground targets, Fighters and Bombers from great range, while working reliably under heavy G forces and great height.

Developed by Mauser, however only 10 could be produced and were test fitted into a Bf 110 (Most likely G-4) and a Ta 152 Prototype. It was to replace the Mg 151/20 and later on the Mk 108, as it could also change the barrle between 20 and 30mm, where it fired a 20x135mm round (Same shells as Flaks 20x138mm) and 30x85mm (same shells as Mk 108)

In game it would offer a next step inbetween the Fw 190 and Ta 152 with great armarment inbetween the Mg 151 and Mk 103, however with a FAAAR higher fire rate. Furthermore it would be the perhaps only other plane that can have the gun, which itself is a legendary gun, which would be great against air and ground targets alike.

20/30mm Mg 213C Info (Click to show)
Pictures:(Click to show)


Caliber: 20 and 30mm

Ammo: 20x135mm and 30x85mmR Mauser

Fire Rate: 1200-1400 rpm / 1000-1200 rpm

Beltfed: Unknown ammo amount

Muzzle velocity: 1050 m/s / 530 m/s

Weight: 96kg


Fixed, Motorkanone and Fuzelage


Fw 190/Ta 152 Prototype

Bf 110 (for testing in flight)

Ammo Types: ApI-T, Aphe-T (Sd.),Hef-I and Hefi-T, HeI (m) and HeI-T (m) / HeI-T (m), HeI (m) and P-T

The 20mm Ammo is the same as 2 cm Flak (and Mg C/30L), with a different casing and higher velocity of 980m/s and 1050 m/s for Pzgr. L’Spur (148g) and the Sprgr. L’spur (Hefi-T) as well as their other versions. For the 30mm barrle, its the same shells as the Mk 108 just with a slightly higher velocity.
For the 30mm ammo look at Mk 108, same shells but with 530m/s instead of 500m/s.

Cince their sadly badly documented natur, ill mostly reuse the 20x138mm pictures.


Pzgr. L`Spur. o.Zerl. (Ph.) (ApI-T) 0,148kg 980m/s 50mm/10m

Note: Used against ground targets. Soft and armored. 3g White Phosphor Core.
Were fully replaced by the empty ones and later .Zerl in the Desert and other hot places, as the Phostphor had a nasty tendicy to self ignite in hot weather.
The Ph. marked ones were standart with the filler, however they also existed with an O. which indicated they didnt have a filler and were only 143g (and 985-990m/s).
Screenshot 2024-06-02 184250
Screenshot 2024-06-02 183231

Pzgr. L'Spur zerl. (Aphe-T Sd) 0,148 kg 980m/s 2,4g Pent 46mm/10m

NOTE: Against ground and air tragets. Soft and armored.
It does NOT have a fuze, the filler is for self destruction, in game it would also explode upon impact when shattering, like the japanese 30mm Aphe.
Screenshot 2024-04-19 134646

Pzsprgr. L'Spur o.Zerl. (Aphe-T) 0,148 kg 980m/s 3,6g Pent 44mm/10m

Note: Mainly (?) used by the Navy and only against ground targets.

Screenshot 2024-04-08 201437

Pzsprgr. L'Spur m.Zerl. (Aphe-T Sd) 0,121 kg 1050m/s 3,6g Pent 41mm/10m

Note: Mainly (?) used by the Navy and against ground and air targets.
Screenshot 2024-04-19 134808
Screenshot 2024-04-19 134804

(This last picture is an adaption for the Mg151/20 and uses a different shorter tracer, which results in it beeing also a bit lighter)


Sprgr. L`Spur. m.Zerl. (Hefi-T Sd.) 0,120kg 1050m/s 6,2g Pent (10,54g)


Sprgr. Erd. o.L'Spur. o.Zerl. (He) 0,120kg 1050m/s 11g Pent (18,7g)

Note: Only against groundtargets. Other name is Spr.Gr.39.
(Couldnt find the correct drawing, the Br.Sprgr. o.L’Spur is basically the same, just different filler with Zink.
Screenshot 2023-09-06 122928
sprgr erd
Screenshot 2024-06-02 183422

Brsprgr. L'Spur m.Zerl. (Hefi-T Sd.) 0,120kg 1050m/s 6,6g H.5 and Aluminium


Brsprgr. vk. L'Spur m.Zerl (Hefi-T Sd.) 0,120kg 1050m/s 19g H.5 and Zink

Note: Against Air and Ground targets, reduced tracer length for increased filler. The full feight of the H.5 and Zink mixture is 19g, not the pure He filler.
(first drawing is either a earlier model or a slighly too short drawn capacity.)
(This italian drawing is more representative.)
Screenshot 2024-05-31 173318
Screenshot 2024-04-19 134851

Brsprgr. o.L'Spur. m.Zerl. (Hef-I Sd.) 0,120kg 1050m/s 20g H.5 and Zink

Note: Against ground and air targets. No tracer at all to have a fully capacity He (H.5) and Incendary (Zink) mix. (Weight calculated by Killakiwi 7g H.5 13g Zink)
Screenshot 2023-09-06 122928
Screenshot 2024-04-19 134832


M-Gesch. X m.Zerl (He-I (m) Sd.) 0,104kg 1000-1100m/s 25g HA 41 (40g)

Screenshot 2024-04-19 132439

M-Gesch. X L'Spur m.Zerl (HeI-T (m) Sd.) 0,109kg 1000-1100m/s 24g HTA

Screenshot 2024-04-19 134912

Pictures:(Click to show)


Max speed: at 9 700 m 725 km/h
Turn time: 21 s
Max altitude: 12 000 m
Engine: Junkers Jumo-213E
Type: Inline
Cooling system: Water
Take-off weight: 6 t

Combat flaps Take-off flaps Landing flaps Air brakes Arrestor gear
X ✓ ✓ X X

Wings (km/h) Gear (km/h) Flaps (km/h) Max Static G
Combat Take-off Landing + -
912 310 N/A 700 310 ~12 ~6

Optimal velocities (km/h)
Ailerons Rudder Elevators Radiator
< 420 < 300 < 550 > 320

Compressor (RB/SB)
Setting 1
Optimal altitude 100% Engine power WEP Engine power
3,900 m 1,632 hp 2,007 hp
Setting 2
Optimal altitude 100% Engine power WEP Engine power
7,300 m 1,658 hp 2,039 hp
Setting 3
Optimal altitude 100% Engine power WEP Engine power
9,700 m 1,343 hp 1,652 hp

Focke-Wulf Fw 190 & Ta 152 Part 2
Profile: The Focke Wulf Fw 190D/Ta 152 Series
Rapid Fire The Development of Automatic Cannon, Heavy Machine Guns and their Ammunition for Armies, Navies and Airforce


Fascinating! I love new aircraft weapons being added to the game, so +1 from me.


Indeed, had not heard of this gun until now. Could be interesting.



+1 even better than the last plane with this weapon. Would be really nice to have and could dilute the ju288 spam

+1 from me! I think it would be great addition to the game. It’s also rare enough that I think it could it into a BP or event

+1 for event

+1 It’s great.


Revolver cannon at WW2 planes would be insane

Added More Ammo Info.

I didn’t know jumo engines were compatible with a bottom intake, anyway +1, it would be a crazy head on beast with that gun

That’s just a radiator intake. I believe that picture is of a 190 prototype with a DB 603 since the actual engine intake will be on the left side of the plane though.