The post pen damage isnt strong, i can assure you. the reason its able to do so well is gaijin recently changed the thresholds for when a shell is considered “detonated” and causes a ammo explosion that kills the vehicle, they lowered it just after the patch went live hence why the fox is doing so well.
They developed an apfsds round for the gun but just try and get gaijin to give us that while they go giving another highly experimental round to a Russian vehicle that hasn’t come out yet.
I have been playing 6.7, I love my American 6.7 line up and guess what, I haven’t had a problem with the fox. You know why, it’s because I know what they’ll do. They will flank you so just pay some mind to said flanks and you’ll catch one or two, there not hard to kill and can be quite easily pushed. I’ve even played a couple games in the tiger 2 myself, a simple trick is to angle the turret as soon as you see one, can’t go through and the sides of a tiger 2 are a little fucky giving you time to get on target. So no I do know it’s annoying but I also know it’s not fucking hard to counter, 7.3 at most but doing that wouldn’t change a thing.
No, it didnt literally do that, it takes the RARDEN 3 seconds to fire 4 rounds, and for them to go into 4 targets requires time to turn the turret to fire on each and also its extremely unlikely to get 4 perfect shots, most of the time it takes 3-4 rounds to cause an ammo explosion with the RARDEN from my experience.
As for impossible to turn turret that fast, turn the hull with it, plenty of IS tanks have gotten my fox by going full hull and turret turning, I am sure tigers can do similar if they actually had momentum and did a turn with it instead of sitting still lol.
Also if theres several of you, why are you all turning the same way chasing it? Someone should be turning the other way to intercept.
Lastly, I think this is the first time I have seen someone say the RARDEN shoots stupidly fast? Its 1 of the slowest firing autocannons in WT I believe which is why I usually tell people to treat it like a fast firing single shot gun.
Finally, might be a bias, but I only seem to ever see German players upset by the fox? I have not seen Russian mains being uppity over them nor US mains really. Interesting to me.
Not 100% sure if they actually did that, I used to think they did but reliable sources suggest it was an idea and no actual development was ever put forward, not even an early development investigation of “what could it do?”.
I’ve seen a picture somewhere of the apds round next to an apfsds round stating it was what they were developing or something. May have been a mix up with another 30mm apfsds round then I guess.
If you are having issues dealing with the Fox then its a you problem and not a game problem. Also we would like to see proof about the Fox killing four tanks as quickly as you claim otherwise your just talking BS.
What is it with German mains in this game xD
It will move up. Thats pretty much sure. But it’ll take some time. So long they will exploit that high pen autocannon on a 90 km/h chassis. It’ll get RCV / Falcon treatment within the next months.
Here’s the real test. Will they move it up in one big go or will they give the the pt 76 and puma treatment and move it up in little increments. I know what I’m betting on.
The round is the 30x170mm L21A1 APFSDS-T, it was produced by Oerlikon, now RWM (Rheinmetall Waffe Munition GmbH). It was accepted by the British in 2007 but was never ordered due to a lack of operational requirement.
Decent explanation here, I believe lifted straight from a secondary source.
So it was made and fully developed but we never ordered any. Shame really. Guess we’ll have to wait for the desert warrior in about 3 years time or maybe even the warrior with the 40mm in another 5 years time.
on that note, while i realise i’m a bit slow on the draw, WHY
we are back to the age old problem of having no AA for a massive gap in the TT. I want to grind the Fox myself, but I violently refuse to run at 7.7/8.0 lineup with the Skink.
Cause of good mobility and high pen autocannons, which shred most ground vehicles in an instant. Even now, despite its belt was diluted with 1:3 junk ammo and its BR was raised. On all these small close quarter maps it still wrecks. Just had this thing in abandoned town (or whatever the map name is…) … sliding around a corner, killing 4 tanks in less then 10 seconds. No reload, around 100mm pen. Enough to kill everything with some quick mouse movements, if maps funnel everyone into low engagement distances.
Ofc this makes its BR going higher and higher. If you really need a pure SPAA, ask Gajin to not include high pen ammo. Or ask them to limit it similar to the Gepard type SPAAs. They just have 40 HVAP rounds, which can be used for like 3 seconds autofire. Thats it. Gajin could just say its primarily an SPAA, meant for anti air duties. So lets just limit the high pen ammo to 40 shots, for self defense.
As long as you might fire a belt containing HVAP rounds for the whole remainder of a match, ppl abuse it to lol brrrrp ground vehicles (even if its just 1 : 3, doesnt matter with that two-barreled ROF).
i’m sure i said that some years ago when it was proposed to move to 8.0
Because now, for any lineups below 8.3, you either
a) bosvark, which has no armour
b) Skink, which is a bad dream in terms of gunhandling
c) try to get enough SP to spawn a plane and then become CAP, which thanks to putting the airfields so ludicrously close to spawns on some maps, isn’t ideal when in an uptier someone has a Radar SPAA
d) don’t bother and hope and pray.
G6, our lord and saviour. Although yes, we are missing massive gaps that could have been filled long ago. The stormer with the 25 or 30mm gaus along with stingers for 10.0 to 10.3 (the stormer is a lost cause). The fox with the 20mm for 7.0 perhaps. Give the falcon its irst or photo contrast thing it had so it’s a usable spaa. Green mace so we can actually have somthing with prox rounds, no radar and a 102mm cannon with a quick fire rate.
As if SPAAs might change something. US attackers shooting ZUNI missiles from outside SPAA range (they onetap even super heavy tanks) in WW2 BR brackets. Standard ww2 fighters with 3 single drop 1000 lb bombs. Strikemasters. Lancasters and Pe-8 with their super nukes. Evens supposeldly good WW2 SPAAs have no chance vs. these.
My god, still surprised I managed to get a nuke solely using the strike master. I love it and would really hate for it to get moved up but realistically it probably should be 7.0 for ground.
it would somewhat
even if it didn’t, giving us the ability to do something about the aircraft rather than nothing would be nice
Anyone know if the other fox varients have been suggested? Such as the 20mm and 25mm varients or even the Milan varient? All would be nice but I think the most interesting on would be the 25mm vareint. With it having a hughes 25 ‘m that could take the apds rounds, had a 2 man crew. Sounds real interesting for wt and might fill a 8.3 to 9.0 ifv role. The Milan one could carry 8 Milan’s and had a 7.7 for self defences and would also a be cool addition.
Or if we really wanna go crazy we could try and get the fox blowpipe which is just the Milan version but blowpipes, also the thunder-fox which had hvm lol. So many to chose from.
The FV712 Ferret Mk5 equipped with Swingfire could also be fun.