FV510 Warrior IFV - Technical Data and Discussion

I already made report on wrong fcs module model and rn its already acknowledged and sent to the devs


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But there are 3 issues with desert warrior

1.- bullet casings are not dispensed from turret

2-front upper composite shouldnt be on desert warrior

  • i think they are only storage boxes

3- in xray mode in the turret there are 2 optics which shouldnt been there

Is there evidence either for or against the DW having composite armour?

Well i didnt found any evidence for that upper front armor has composite,we know that lower front has composite armor but upper front hull armor seems to be only storage boxes

you can see it is very thin and also has X crossing and in the circles you can see locking and opening mechanism

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Here you can see 2 optics in the xray view mode that shouldnt be there at all

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yes the space inside is to be filled with tea

Could be a shallow storage box placed over composite, but I see what you mean. The trouble is that once something is implemented (even without evidence) it can only be changed by the community with evidence, and DW is still in service so it is not likely that any will be available.

What do you think about the lower glacis?

Technically not the topic for this but Interesting figures given for the CTA-40s APFSDS (14cm of pen at 1500 and 10cm at 3000m)


lower glacis is surely made with same composite as warrior with chobham armor i think

but yeah could be that composite armor is placed under the storage lids can be possible too

Would be weird if the lower glacis were armoured and upper glacis were not, right?

You’re right that the fittings and handle suggest a storage compartment, and I have a feeling it’s shallow bins. If you check pictures of the exposed front composite on the UK Warrior, you’ll realise it’s L-shaped pieces of the same thin composite as the sides, so probably it’s these with a shallow bin on top.



yeah very possible it is that thats how it is on DW
i know how to find some hard evidence.

we need to find GKN brochures about DW and Recce warrior- DW with shortened hull(10 wheels not 12 as on DW) and stealth sideskirts and recon equipment



Now thats what i call a hard image, whoever was in charge of taking the pictures for the early stealth tank attempts just knew the best shots to take.


Also I was a bit unsure till now but should the zoom level be the same as the bog standard warrior for the gunners sight?

i mean, if they used the same sight then it should be the same, should it not?

They dont tho warrior uses different sights compared to the DW that uses FLIR

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british warrior had raven day sight (8x) and then in 2005-2007 got BGTI (8x)
Desert warrior and recce warrior have lav25t turret with 8x zoom
so yeah they have same zoom

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we need @xfgusta if he has Military Ordnance Special Number 16, Warrior Machanized Combat Vehicle
there is lot of info and i couldnt find on internet copy

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using the CV90s 40mm APFSDS for reference, that should equal around 163mm of flat pen at 0 metres

Pretty good