FV510 Warrior IFV - Technical Data and Discussion

Thank GOD. Thats one less problem to deal with, so whats next… Try and get the composite buffed? (I already know that will never happen). Although i have seen a quote for VARMA, although it may have been romor A, that it had more than double the protection levels to a block of RHA of the same weight.


That was chobham

I still havent wrapped my head around any of this, ive heard people call varman chobham, or dorchester. Or that the only difference being, one is outside the tank while the other is internal…

The Gulf War armour kit for Warrior, which is also present on DW in a slightly different configuration, is referred to as Chobham (in either the specific or generic form meaning that it may be “Chobham” type composite, or a different composite armour).

I have suspicions that it is ROMOR-C.

What are the current horizontal and vertical targeting speeds?

Thank god common sense wins the day… Rare occasion too

Why is the M3A3 Bradley’s M242 reload time 0.3 seconds and the Desert Warrior’s M242 reload time 10.4 seconds?Why is there such a big gap in the same gun?


Must be the boiling vessel… Everyone knows it’s common practice fot British crews to have a sip of tea between reloads, 2 sugars please


Missing half a point of Leadership but here’s it with standard crew



And Expert



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We haven’t said it requires an unfolding mechanic. Only that it has no animation for one currently as it’s not believed to have been done by mechanical means.

But it will have the same fire on the move restrictions as Bradley unless it can be shown it can fire on the move without any.

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We need the BV to be a mod, when equipped all stats are 5% better


Boiling Vessel


Fire on the move restriction are understandable for the tow missile system, what wasn’t understandable was having to wait 2/3 seconds for and imaginary crew member to climb out and lock the tow launchers into place and the repeat that process every time we moved from A to B. They would be locked in place prior to entering any combat zone, that launcher elevation animation is a waste of development time and an unnecessary nerf for the vehicle.


Damn my dyslexic brain sometimes lmao. Yeah! 5% Faster crew recovery from injuries too XD warm drink bonus on cold maps 5% faster repairs lmao.

I don’t know if this would make any difference, but the Desert Warrior uses Krauss-Maffei Wegmann 76mm cluster grenade launchers. In game, it’s 66mm instead of 76mm. There is some info on the manufacturer’s website, such as the smoke coverage area and the salvos.





That might be what Delco offered with the turret but photos of the vehicles in Kuwaiti service are all with 66mm L8/M257 smoke launchers used on the normal Warrior’s turret and the Delco turret of the USMC’s LAV-25.
The KMW launchers are on Delco turrets of the Canadian LAV-II Coyote and Australian ASLAV-25


Thanks for clarifying

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Thank you very much for the clear, makes a lot more sense now. Its what caused the confusion in the first place.

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