FV4005 Stage I suggestion

The FV4005 Stage I was the predecessor in its program to the Stage II we currently see in-game, the primary differences being it trades the turret “armor” in favor of an autoloader for the 183mm HESH launcher enabling the vehicle to fire around 6 rounds per minute.
This could be a nice little addition to the British tree, perhaps foldered with the FV4005 Stage II? let me know what you think id be interested to see what others think about this contraption


well looks better than the fv we have in game.
used to call it the shitbarn.
to be realistic though the shitbarn couldnt shoot the gun if it was at an incline of more than 10 something degrees as the turret would get ripped off from the recoil.
You could also suggest the FV215b (183). itll actually have some armour.

The FV215B is just straight up fake it would never get added to the game


it’s like the Coelian issue : It was made in wood only.

We’ve E100, E75* (Konigstiger 10.5cm), Panther II and Flankpanzer 341 Coelian in the game ( removed for the news players, but still in the game. E100 is a Special Event Vehicule ). Same about Hori tank ; why not introduce our Behemot ?


Because they have explained to us. Multiple times.

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Because it has been explained multiple times.

Removing those and planning to remove some others is to avoid Fake… and that German double barrel is real.

They have been so clear that it verges on insulting behaviour to keep this going on and on (not to you Nero, I do not presume you have seen quite clear responses to the situation).

They are closing the can of worms and so opening it up again is not going to happen. And “Fake” is defined relatively clearly.

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Could be interesting tank to add. Is there info how many rounds this thing can carry?
I know people hate to add cool and unique tanks to battlepass and Events,but I think this would be perfect final prize for BP, it is Unique,prototype and has nice gimmick.


whilst i want this as a tech tree vehicle it does seem like it would be better as a battle pass vehicle (god knows the battle pass needs some more interesting vehicles)


But you see we need more S-100s,Mustangs and Centurions.
Could have been Centurion 1 with 20mm polsten for nice gimmick again,but no stab 17pdr cent :/

It’s worse than the Coelian. The Coelian simply used a Panther hull, which as we all know existed and ran. The guns were made and tested. The only wooden part was the turret.


same with the FV215, its on the FV200 “Universal Tank Chassis” Hull with minor modifications (Same hull as FV221 Caernarvon and FV214 Conquoror), and the gun is also a known metric, as its the same L4A1 as on the FV4005 with the onl yunknown being the turret


Ho-ri enters the chat*

Oh no, im terribly afraid we will lose the accuracy and authenticity of this game! Oh wait, that ship sailed, many many moons ago. I think we can all agree to not needing napkin drawing tanks, but something that was partially built, fully designed, had a partial wood mockup, etc seems more than fair. Especially if it would serve a useful role, or fix a gap in a tree. Unless you guys want another copy paste or the latest and greatest, mostly classified, modern power creep vehicles added til the end of time.

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