FV107 Scimitar: Single-Edged Sword!

W Vehicle

Fixed it for you



I’d like to take this moment to point out that the wing mirrors on UK armoured vehicles are only present in order to comply with MOT requirements, in order for them to be UK road legal. The mirrors are removed from their stalks and stowed during exercises and on operations in order to prevent damage.

Might I also point out their pointlessness, as the driver of the vehicle is looking forwards through his periscope and can’t bloody see them.


Id like to take this moment to point out that like all Combat Vehicle Recon (wheeled/tracked) the scimitar was designed primarily for RECON and to aid this were often given camouflage nets such as this one.

If gaijin want to keep the nets as some special premium exclusive item for some stupid reason id love to see it on a premium sabre.


Gimme the trailer please!!!

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im right there with you lol

Now all we need to see is “Saladin”, “Scorpion”, “Scorpion 90”, “Scimitar II”, “Abbot SPG”, “Warrior TES”, “Warrior 40mm CTAS” and “AJAX”

Would love to see the “Tracked Rapier” as a SPAA option too, seeming as it has a radar attached to the vehicle, and perhaps even “Sky Sabre” to some capability.

Lots that could be added to the British Tech Tree! lets just see how much they actually add.

I do like that they added the Scimitar, seeming as it actually saw service and was used a lot, and in my opinion it makes a lot more sense over the fox, though the fox is a great addition no less. Less niche vehicles, and more that were actively used! “Abbot” and “AS-90” were better choices than the “M109”, so lets see them added as well!


I agree! Though they have been seen without the boxes, I don’t think I’ve ever personally seen one without the headlight protectors and stowage boxes, and its a key detail that this vehicle has and makes up the iconic silhouette of the vehicle. It just looks odd without them.

Yay another auto cannon to ruin my experience :(

This and the Fox shouldn’t be 7.7 or 7.3 these need to go up to 8.3+

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problem with that is that at higher BR’s the RARDEN gun is just awful. Look how situational the Warrior is at that BR, because it has to use the same rounds as the Fox, so they can’t just buff the ammo cause they would be buffing all the vehicles that use the same gun, and cause balancing issues all over the place. then you compare the RARDEN gun on the Warrior or the Fox to the Bradleys bushmaster, or the standard BMP 2 and 3’s 30mm’s, and its worse in near every aspect. I’ll just roll with whatever gaijin decide to do, but the RARDEN gun will only ever be useful against the sides and backs of tanks, and this will not change that. in fact, come the new update with autocannon nerfs, it will likely make it even worse, making this vehicle potentially DOA because of its low rate of fire and lack of destructive ability in my opinion…

Autocannons are good if they are high caliber like the Bagelitepanzer or 2S38, OR if you have ATGM’s to make up for the lower caliber and low rate of fire from the front like the bradley and warrior. this will have no atgm’s, no high caliber and no high rate of fire. It’ll get one or two shots off before its obliterated, same as the warrior and fox. If its able to get round your side or rear, its because you have either not seen it, its flanked you, or you just got outplayed. light tanks are easy to deal with, but situational and bad gameplay from the player doesnt mean that these vehicles should be nerfed. you just need to be more observant and know that these vehicles will be trying to flank you, and watch your flanks rather than complaining that they used the only playstyle that allows them to be successful, which is flanking and ratting.


I have no patience to read today due to lack of sleep, does it have a stabilizer?

Cant wait for threads demanding that it go up by 1.0br


@Stona_WT can we have clarification if this is an early production model without power traverse, or a later production model with power traverse?

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Scimitar only ever had a manual cranked traverse, even after LEP upgrades

I’ve heard of Alvis offering power traverse for Scorpion but I don’t think it was ever fitted unless for export


I’ve had a crewman say theirs had power traverse. Could that be an EM235, or is that the same as LEP?

Maybe they’re confusing it with a Mk 2 or Sabre?

Mk.2 might have had one but I’ve not been in one to say one way or another. There would be more space for it at least
235 was after LEP, but was just envisaged as an automotive upgrade to mitigate the extra weight of armour. I don’t recall any mods to the traverse being part of the upgrade when I was at Donnington.

At least so far as the crews from HCR were concerned just 4 years ago, the Warriors they got in order to get used to operating a larger vehicle more similar to Ajax, were well received because they do have a power traverse where their Scimitars still did not.


D Squadron HCR ran the Scimitar 235 on Herrick 13, so were the last to use it in Afghanistan before it was replaced by Scimitar 2 on Herrick 14


Will it receive spall liners? I remember seeing somewhere that CVR(T) had spall liners. Including in the turret, in the case of the FV107.

Nope, Afaik the Rarden was never stabilised on anything

Exactly, stand-by for APDS nerf also.

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