FV107 Scimitar: Single-Edged Sword!

This guy Scimitars


Would be good to see the updated front end.


please G no, not another cancer fox


If they give us a later one with ESPIRE or an LEP version with the Cummins engine, I imagine they will.

Glad to see my fellows British main having a good toy !


Yes, finally.

To some extent i hope it is variant of the 1970s-1990s as @da12thmonkey have outlined in their very informative comment about the different significant Scimitar sub-variant/modernisations:

The reason why i am hoping for that it is the earliest version, is because it would probably be a similar BR to the FV721 Fox. At the same time, this would also be an opportunity for the later sub-variants to be added either at the same time or later on.

To be honest, the one i am really hoping for, is the Scimitar LEP EM 235, which have better engine, LRF & gen 3 thermals. While it does have the same capabilities as the Scimitar Mk.2, and some would maybe say the should just add the MK.2 instead, the advantage of the LEP EM 235, is that it is smaller, since they use different hulls from each other.


Now this…I like

No one knows, but likely not. V rank, “uses the same ammo as Fox”, and the Fox have only APDS. Maybe something will change at DEV server.

The Blues & Royals squadron operated the Scimitar and claimed to have shot down an Argentine Skyhawk with the 30 mm autocannon… I see someone hated cas before it was cool, badass if true.


At long last, our beloved has finally descended into our realm.

(still waiting for news of the scorpion)


W Vehicle

Fixed it for you



I’d like to take this moment to point out that the wing mirrors on UK armoured vehicles are only present in order to comply with MOT requirements, in order for them to be UK road legal. The mirrors are removed from their stalks and stowed during exercises and on operations in order to prevent damage.

Might I also point out their pointlessness, as the driver of the vehicle is looking forwards through his periscope and can’t bloody see them.


Id like to take this moment to point out that like all Combat Vehicle Recon (wheeled/tracked) the scimitar was designed primarily for RECON and to aid this were often given camouflage nets such as this one.

If gaijin want to keep the nets as some special premium exclusive item for some stupid reason id love to see it on a premium sabre.


Gimme the trailer please!!!

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im right there with you lol

Now all we need to see is “Saladin”, “Scorpion”, “Scorpion 90”, “Scimitar II”, “Abbot SPG”, “Warrior TES”, “Warrior 40mm CTAS” and “AJAX”

Would love to see the “Tracked Rapier” as a SPAA option too, seeming as it has a radar attached to the vehicle, and perhaps even “Sky Sabre” to some capability.

Lots that could be added to the British Tech Tree! lets just see how much they actually add.

I do like that they added the Scimitar, seeming as it actually saw service and was used a lot, and in my opinion it makes a lot more sense over the fox, though the fox is a great addition no less. Less niche vehicles, and more that were actively used! “Abbot” and “AS-90” were better choices than the “M109”, so lets see them added as well!


I agree! Though they have been seen without the boxes, I don’t think I’ve ever personally seen one without the headlight protectors and stowage boxes, and its a key detail that this vehicle has and makes up the iconic silhouette of the vehicle. It just looks odd without them.

Yay another auto cannon to ruin my experience :(

This and the Fox shouldn’t be 7.7 or 7.3 these need to go up to 8.3+

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