Fox is still overpowered

is this pfp associated with russia? I guess the plane does kinda look like a yak sort of.

defo a skill issue

Well. If you read anything, I was comparing the BTR and the Fox initially

You seem to lack knowledge of how the game works…
Speed = key to winning.
Most tanks cannot traverse fast enough to engage a fox, whether that is turret traverse, hill traverse, or both.

Tbf the USA tanks are pretty much hand held till they get to the M60, then USA mains complain as they have to use their Brain in the fight. Like the T26E5 is the worst offender here.

Exactly, speed is the key over all.

Yes that pfp is a Russian one.

Just like you saying the usa needed another spaa, yet the m16 is great, until you get to the m163

man you still continue to post the worst war thunder takes dont you lmao. that one is extremely bad


FV107 Scimitar: Single-Edged Sword! - #32 by Apollo_1641 can’t wait for the next thread asking for this to go too 9.3 lmfao


Because the M16 is good? Same reason I use the BTR-152D > anything until the ZSU-23-4 or the zsu-37-2

Once again, no it isn’t. I can’t protect myself against a fox even when I hear it simply because my tank is unable to react in time. Even if I do, there’s no guarantee I’ll kill it in or shot.

I can deal with them in most situations, but it and similar tanks feels to incredibly unfair to fight in a light tank that lacks an autocannon/HMG.

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Heavy tanks aren’t the ones dying to foxes/similar tanks lmao. (Or atleast they shouldn’t be)

You’re right! Fixed it

What is with the narrative “everyone who dies to it is bad/has no situational awareness”

Go play a light tank between 7.0-8.3, preferably one without an autocannon or HMG. Foxes/XM800Ts make them miserable to play since you cant do anything to them. They go fast enough to prevent you from getting your gun on target, and they will kill you in a few seconds.

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I do play the XM800T, and destroying other light vehicles just happens to be what it’s good at. It can’t really do anything else thanks to it’s low pen.

Other light tanks have HEAT and are able to delete most if not all MBTs at their bracket frontally, and you don’t see anyone complaining about that

I think there’s an unfair double standard on Fox and XM800T


Because that’s normal. However, they can’t deal with anything that’s fast or with an autocannon. They also don’t have a reload shorter than 5 seconds (usually). In a light tank vs MBT battle, it will be mostly down to whoever shoots first. In an autocannon light vs non autocannon light battle, the autocannon light has the advantage because of its ROF and stability.

I do think you’re right about that. It’s just the minor nation tax I guess, and It’s especially funny because the XM800T is more annoying than the fox imo. It does what the fox does, but now it can aim perfectly up until 75kmh. Hell, the R3 still gets hate despite it being in an incredibly sad state currently.

It does? 0_0

That’s mental


Ahahhahaha!! im so happy to see it XD you’ll have 4 of them if your running backups loool

I will be eagerly waiting for the “Scimitar is still overpowered” thread to pop up on launch day of the update.

If there isnt then it all but confirms the massive hate boner people have towards the Fox and Britian because if a minor nation has a good vehicle for once its a problem.

But we already knew that seeing as XM800 doesnt have a thread crying about it.

We got the Scimitar, now lets get some others


yeah its a russian pfp lol

I would say prob best to have a clip of Blackadder and Baldrick ready to implement a cunning plan with the fox and Scimitar overlayed.

Or of course…

The RARDEN guns
