French Navy CBT Discussion


yeah but then for example explain Duilio pen rate their shell is lighter and lower caliber just 36m/s faster that doesn’t make sense

I dunno if i’m just being BIASED here but i kinda feel like the BB shells are too slow compared to what they should be. Plus i’d like to konw what kind of calculation between weight and speed is made to calculate pen so i can verify if gaijin is right or not

[Devblog] Amélioration du calcul de la pénétration de blindage dans le jeu - Actualités - War Thunder.

Well then houston we got a heavy problem here

504 at 0 metter game kind of already jokes itself but wait

so that means all BB from the game just has predetermined values whil french one were actually calculated with the formula or something?
I made the comparision between Lorraine and Kaiser as they are both dreadnought from approxiamtely the same time excpet lorraine is shown in a moderner config but with same armement as in 1912 so no diff

You know, it’s been a long time since I hoped in Gaijin. Gaijin’s logic is quite murky and all we can do is be patient. Because by doing the count, we can notice this:

Rank 1: 3 “Jaguar” classes including 1 which is no longer a “Jaguar” and 1 “Bourasque”
Rank 2: 3 “Eagle” including 3 real C&C
Rank 3: 1 training ship, 1 ship not even French…, 2 Duguay class, and 1 “Fantasque”
Rank 4: 2 Sufren Class, including one with too high a BR, and 1 Emile Bertin
Rank 5: 1 class Courbet and 1 class Bretagne underarmed (for him I still do not understand this choice)

The case of Classe Bretagne and quite disconcerting, why resort to the least known and least well-armed version? Don’t let anyone tell me about balancing, because at similar or lower BRs there are better armed and more powerful ships.

A lot of our trees and a sequel to C&C would be versions with a real difference I don’t mind but mostly it’s the same and the addition of the German Destroyer and really unwelcome France owns many Contre-Torpillieurs that could have been put in place but Gaijin did not. Coincidence? I do not think so…

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i’m doing all calculation for the bbs of the game with their formula and only france depends of the formula any other nation is just boosted af up to 100mm of pen sometimes it’s just dumb at this point

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Some of the choices are real head scratchers in hindsight.

Why not the La Galissonnieres over the Emile?

And the Algerie seems like a no brainer for the heavy cruisers.

It also feels like the Dunerque Class is already obsolete with the Battleships we have in game, so a little curious she wasn’t one of the first BBs added.

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And the silence of the devs on our coastal tree… I’m not asking for its release date but at least that the devs come out of their golden cage take their courage in both hands and come to give us explanations. I don’t care about explanations from the players, I want those from the developers…