Its not that bad guys i am actually getting through the low tier stuff rather quick.

Low tier is a trap
i have done all this in 1 hour or so
Well done, France need more players, enjoy the tree :)
thanks :)
Exactly - you are now complacent
2.7 France is one of the funnest experiences I’ve had in War Thunder, especially with the Char B1 bis and the Char 2C. I think you’ll enjoy it
I’m on the verge of getting BR 8.0 French tanks. All ranks of France can be pretty fun except rank 1.
I enjoyed the AMX FL-11 for a long time and only recently got bored with it.
France has a lot of gems around BR 6.0
It took me ages to reach 6.0 and maybe 3 years to reach 7.7 because I play so many tech trees (basically all of them lol)
You will appreciate the speed and reverse gears in more advanced French tanks. It makes the game more interesting. ELC Bis is my favourite troll tank of all time, at BR 6.0 France. I use it to kill Jagdtigers on rare occasion. They can’t turn quick enough to aim at me, and I slowly peck away at them until they explode!
you’ll love 2.7 and 7.7
Whenever I play France at 7.7br lol My Anti-Air vehicle of choice is the AuF1 though I do also carry 2 SPAAs with me to carry games. I will be confused as of why people think France suffers when they got some nice Auto-loading vehicles. Japan main here!
France is the most fun nation at 11.7 imo, the Leclerc is amazing especially the S1. A unique platform both visually and technically but still competitive enough to do quite well in.
I’m mostly aiming to get the Ito SPAA. Thus why I rush the SPAA line. Then I can focus on the rest, feels naked without a SPAA in my line up.
Is the char the giant fuckoff tank? I remember running into it while grinding out the soviet tree and that thing looked terrifying in my tiny early war tank.
I hate how slow the tanks are…
Kind of, the premium 2C Bis is more of such than the tech tree 2C, but with explosive filler shells it can be taken out easily
yeah that’s why i have bought some premium tanks for other nations and stuff but i might buy stuff for France or Brittan but not Germany Germany is my free to play country.
The French tree is so fun until you realise just how utterly shafted you are compared to almost anything else other than Italy.
You gotta go back and spade all those sub-reserve tanks to really appreciate how the French tree used to be.