Freaking updates every 2 weeks!

Why are Gajin always releasing new updates every 1-2 months?

I mean 17.2GB update for that short period of time is crazy. Idk why that’s case, but it’s irritating and frustrating. Summer is comming. I don’t want to spend every single day updating my game just so I can play it.

If they didn’t, people would be complaining (more than usual) about the amount of bugs and lack of content the game has.


You won’t

Previous update was 13.03.2024 - I am sure it’s more than 2 weeks :)
I am sorry, that it makes you upset, but War Thunder is living project, not a single player game, that is abandoned right after release. Our dev team works all the time to provide you new features and vehicles every few months (and a lot of bug fixes both in Major and Minor updates).
We do not have any plans to change it.