Frame rate drop

Something like “8gb GPU stutters due to bad VRAM allocation”. I don’t know the exact title, and i was stupid that i did not save it in the wayback machine.
The mods just deleted it…

It was around 1.5-2 years ago.

Then it’s not on this forum, it’s on the old-forum… It’s likely still there.

Nope. It was deleted. Just like the posts asking why it was deleted.

It was bookmarked back then, so yeah. After that i saw posts asking why it was deleted, and those posts also misteriously disappeared…

Then it’d be vague and all over the place, like what you’re doing with this thread now…

Just because a symptom relates doesn’t mean it’s the same. This is a common trope that people bring into anything discussing anything here.

What are you even talking about?

Have a look at how many different topics about the old forums there are.

I responded with a possible cause of the issue. And then you asked about it…

That’s why I asked…

I went through the list, and none of them was what i was talking about…

There’s pages of them in there, and I pointed this out because that’s what they’ve moved on from… Because everyone wants to post up the issues, but not actually debug or report the issue properly.

And then it just becomes a spam fest of people saying that it’s the game, that the devs won’t look, and that it’s all a waste of time doing anything.

It was a long thread and we were close to explain it. I just think Gaijin does not want their shitty programming to be exposed.

All the other threads were not deleted, because they had nothing explained.

And that’s why you have a problem.


Isn’t it interesting that no other “spam” is removed, only those like this…

Btw, where have you been in the past years?
Posts about cheaters or botters were closed/removed really fast, because as we all know, “der ar no cheaters in dis game blyat”. Oh wait…
Several youtubers had to make videos about it for Gaijin to add a shitty report option for botters, while bot accounts with thousands of botted matches are still not banned despite there being clear evidence and many reports.

Same with cheaters:

Or this:

Or the Phlydaily video exposing a cheater had to be removed because Gaijin threatened him…
Or when a Gaijin employee issued false copyrights against a youtuber?

The heck is this whataboutism nonsense… None of this relates to the framerate drops, and is more proof of what I said before about the threads being full of literal spam blaming the game.

Shifting the goalposts. It’s like talking to a CASvocate…

You’re the one shifting the posts, especially with that comment…

Showing your true issues to be honest.

OMFG. I made that comment to show you how dishonest Gaijin is. If you fail to understand, than you are oficially braindead. I did NOT shift the goalposts.
I pointed out that Gaijin deletes/closes topics that puts them in bad light.

You said they likely deleted the post because it was spam. i pointed out that there are a lot of spam, that does not get deleted.

The post has many 100s of comments on. I would not call it “spam”. Also it was one of the oldest post in that category.

Corrected spelling.

Full screenshot of graphics settings, spec list, and clip of it (I belueve that may be further down) would help a LOT in diagnosing this.

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