Fox is still overpowered

meanwhile Marders with 20mm not being able to pen shit lol

Man, what ever history book you are reading needs to get tossed.

Most Russian tanks came out before the nato counter parts, why do you think USA scramble to make heavy tanks and heavy tank killers after the IS-3 came out? Then you look at the T-54, suddenly the USA has its own MBT after words, etc.
T-80B came out before Abrams, etc etc, so no this would be quite the opposite, although most upgrade packages would be an odd one to add, for all nations if this is how the game was played.

It’s still crazy the T26e5 and T34 (USA) is still 6.7 considering they are post war tanks :)
But hey, IS-3 is 7.3,
Is-7 (which is honestly as potent as a T-29, is now 7.7, while the no skill required T-29 is still 7.0)

My favorite thing to do is hop into my USA 7.0 lineup, it’s a seal clubbers dream.

What is up with the DF105 as of late? That thing is eating / bouncing rounds like it’s nobody’s business. I hit it with an XM-1(chrystler) with a perfect side shot and it said “non-pen” I said “you gotta be shitting me” then I was one tapped.

The Fox does well because of the number of people who don’t observe their surroundings and just blindly drive around. Honestly staggering how many people in this game seem to have two brain cells that seem to be fighting for 3rd place most of the time…

I have had battles where I’ve flanked and killed one or two players and another player near by doesn’t even register that their mates less than 100m away have been killed and either just keep shooting at stuff or drive off…and die…to muh Fox!

Ok not a Fox but that T-10m was there for a good 5 minutes and didn’t even see me xD

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Yes I could turn my engine off and hide too. Pretty much nobody will notice you, especially since you’re hiding in a shadow.

Also, nobody has the time to check every nook and cranny, nor does everyone have 3 sets of eyes. That’s like saying, I can check down a road, but someone is holding a pixel peak spot and as soon as I drive out I’m hit.

But that’s not what this is about, it’s about why a vehicle can get across a map in 20 secs or less and score a few kills.

it must be the angled frontal plate, sometimes i get the same shooting lights tanks.

anyways the DF105 has no business here, why you bringing it? i mean it isnt an autocannon vehicle

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Not an issue with the Type 93 though it seems, that’s very good at dealing with your dribblers in KA-50s at the start of the match

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Fox does well because it can pen lot of things, Marders have the same cannon as 7.0 Wiesel and you cant even pen side tanks or try to disable engine, you can only kill SPAA or some lights tanks (not even on most cases lol, you cant frontally pen M163 or Bradleys side so that says it all)

I skirted around anything political, it is you that is drawing conclusions from what I wrote here :P

You brought up marders…? Thought it was a thing to ask in my own discussion post.

Shock and horror…fast vehicle covers ground quickly…quick tell the media, spread the news…

Tbh you make it sound like the Fox can frontly pen anything it meets without a second though which really isn’t the case…

Please show us on the model where the Fox hurt you…


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Marders are comparable to Fox since its an autocannon vehicle, like BTR-80 or XM800T. and they have nearly similar brs

DF105 has no business here

It can easily Kill a somua, IS-2, etc

Might want to work on your embedding skills but It’s factual and nothing is mentioned explicitly aside from the name of a popular OSINT website recording the scrapping of Russian military equipment abroad

Same hull, but I can ask something simple. Again, it’s the discussion I started lol. Would it have been better if I said “hey notice the Marder bouncing rounds lately for no good reason?”

I just hit quote, I’m not a high horse rider like yourself

Anyways coming back to the main topic, i think Fox should be nerfed a little bit, juuust a little bit on some way